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Old 07-20-2002, 05:58 PM   #21
Talking Hawk
Pile O'Bones
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: California
Posts: 23
Talking Hawk has just left Hobbiton.

I agree with E.T. I saw the movie first, and thought Boromir was a brave and noble man. I believe that his "annoyingness" is simply due to the fact that much is weighed upon his mind - like in the movie (sorry), the scene before the Council meeting where he talks to Aragorn and "dishonors" the shards of Narsil. While Mr. Strider is off doing ranger stuff in the middle of the wilderness (not offense to Aragorn fans; I like him too), Boromir's leading and trying to save a country. Which of these do you think is more desperate to save Gondor? Eeeh? (Hehe, just kidding. =))

I cry everytime I see Boromir die... @_@ He's so awesome. (I love his friendship with Merry and Pip. It's so cuuuute..! Okay, sorry. I'll be quiet now..)
Merry shrugged his shoulders. “It could be a love triangle. Like about a week ago, I was in love with Angela AND Estella, but then I decided to break it off with Angela…” He sighed dreamily, but Pippin lifted an eyebrow. “Angela thought your name was Timothy,” he pointed out innocently, and Merry glared at him. “It could happen to anybody…” - Excerpt from my "Three Blind Spies" story (see fanfic section)
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