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Old 09-18-2020, 09:53 AM   #264
Overshadowed Eagle
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Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
Does that mean we need a rhyming translation?
^_^ ^_^ I am transfering The Euphemisms of Sauron to the Appendices now.

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
I totally get that. After I finished Wind, I had this thought that as I am probably getting better at this accompaniment stuff, after I work through all the pieces (ha!) it would be "fun" to do a Take 2 of the Duel.
I have not - yet - searched for "free video editing software", but it's coming. Partially because I want to do 'Truth' as a slow-motion flyover of the landscape from the Lament, flying right into the sunset, but absolutely cannot do that with the tools I have.

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
This is one of those instances where I'm not sure how many "sections" or "numbers" there truly are hidden in those two songs. [&c]
My ultimate goal is to put the whole thing together as a single video, so in the end it won't matter overmuch, but... yeah. A lot of those songs flow right into each other, which is good for a musical, but bad for splitting them... I'm inclined to follow the Official Libretto for the most part, but the Coming to Nargothrond was just so short!

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
* I am confused by this stanza, because "my Silmaril" and "Citadel of Evil" sound more like Morgoth, but on the flip side Silmaril is singular and Finrod never faced Morgoth. I am not sure which of the evil dudes Melian is eloping with. I figured it's probably still Sauron, so I changed it up a bit to match.
Oh, it's got to be Sauron. I'm actually wondering if the Zongplex as a whole doesn't simply merge the two Dark Lords into one - there's nothing I can see in the lyrics to indicate there's more than one Enemy or Fortress unless you already know it!

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
Doing this, I realized that I am building jokes on a song that is meant to reference and parody a musical that is based on half a chapter of a somewhat obscure book that most people haven't heard of, and deliberately making references to the translation of the musical that barely anyone even knows about. Just the level of involvement required to actually get here is...
And it's glorious.

(At some point we'll want to talk about how much 'publicity' we want to give the translation. We could probably reach a fair audience by comment-bombing all the Zong videos on Youtube if we wanted to.)

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
Sooo... I was thinking, Captivity is hanging a bit in the air now waiting for the vocals, but here is what I am 99% sure is the final (oooh, dangerous word) version of the music. When I have the Elven parts recorded, I can try to overlap them to the music and send you the Audacity file, maybe, to avoid sending you so many voice recordings - but whatever works best, just let me know.
Eeeeexcellent. Um, if you can easily sort out Audacity that would be lovely, but if not I can do it myself no problem. (Do we have a Beren yet, or am I putting on an accent again? I'd probably go for somewhere in Yorkshire, which I at least have a family claim on, rather than plagiarising the Scots.)

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
In the meantime, we're back to "you pick!" I feel pretty good about pretty much any song right now, except maybe I would save Epilogue for later. I might dabble a bit in the non-Zong music during this pause too.
Oh heck. So the easiest song for me to draw would be the Ballad to Amarie, because I already have all the pieces, but it's probably better to save that (I'm likely to have less time as the year goes on). It might be nice to give the Feanorions or Luthien something to do, though equally I haven't drawn the Brothers and want to redo Luthien. I mean, there's the Oath - or we could jump sideways to the Prison Duet, though that runs us back into the question of Beren.

I don't know. I don't think Celebestel has much time to do Heart right now, and I'd rather save Truth until I can do the animation justice, but other than that I'm happy to work with anything.


Still no images for Captivity, but! I've upgraded the video for the Lament to include NuFinrod and the rebalanced audio. The new link is here.

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