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Old 09-14-2020, 09:19 AM   #257
Blossom of Dwimordene
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Originally Posted by Huinesoron View Post
Nope, I can do that easily. Are you thinking after the music ends (so over the credits), or during one or more of the 'just the wind's?
I don't know, not sure what it sounds like. I can definitely hear it over the end credits - possibly during the intro - but I'm not sure if it would interfere with vocals if done over them. Though "just the winds" shouldn't be too affected. Whatever sounds good? It would be a cool little detail.

Originally Posted by Hui
'aaaay, that's gorgeous! Definitely looking forward to singing it. (And finally, Beren gets a line... I'm inordinately amused that this means Luthien and the Sons of Feanor are the last vocalists to be heard, at least if you ignore the orcs.)
Ah, but the orcs are going to be so gloriously off tune and relishing it!

Originally Posted by Hui
Unrelatedly: lyric mismatch! Amarie calls Finrod my lord of constant change, but back in his Ballad, Finrod talks about my own unchanging nature. These don't technically conflict - my interpretation of Amarie's line is that Finrod keeps flitting from project to project ('Nargowhere? I'm hanging out with mortals now!'), but not that his fundamental nature changes - but it's still an odd mismatch.
I dislike that line in the Russian very much, for many reasons. One of them is that it's more accusative: "my inconstant / fickle lord". Which I interpreted as Amarie still steaming at Finrod for letting her know of his love for him and then leaving Valinor. And it makes me want to yell in her face: you're the one who's being fickle, unable to decide if you've understood Finrod or not, if you've forgiven him or not, you were supposed to get over this point back in Heart! Finrod is faithful, that's a defining attribute of his character, and if you don't get how he left you but if still faithful, he doesn't deserve you.

... But "lord of constant change" is open to interpretation, and doesn't carry the same unfair accusation.

With regards to Ballad, the Russian doesn't have "unchanging" there. It's "[One] can't curse that I am created this way". I think "unchanging" is not out of place there, because it emphasizes that some things you can change, but some things you're stuck with, you're just made that way. Finrod can't not help a friend in need, he can't not follow his brothers to Beleriand, he can't not follow Beren to Angband. I don't think it necessarily conflicts. However, it's also possible to replace either instance of "change", I don't think either one is that critical that it can't be replaced. I don't think it should me "my own inconstant nature" though, I think that is the opposite of both what he is and what he is trying to say.

Originally Posted by Hui
EDIT3: The 2019 video appears to consist of: Ballad to Amarie, Oath, Aria, Unknown 1 (Elvish Walking Song), Unknown 2 (Elvish Drinking Song), a non-sung Duel (presented rather charmingly as a chess game), Unknown 3 (Elven Mourning Song), Epilogue. So yeah, I really have no idea what's going on. The people behind it seem to be trying to do a full Beren and Luthien ?musical ?film ?horse show, but why they've used big chunks of the Zong is beyond me.
So I can now confirm that this is an abbreviated and incomplete (they warn so in the beginning) rendition of the fanfic - though I don't think they've ever mentioned it by name. The Elvish Walking Song is Finrod's spell that transforms the group into Orcs. The Drinking Song is Beren (notice the plaid?) drowning his shame in wine in Dorthonion, surrounded by servants of Sauron who are there to make sure he does what he's told and kinda hope to convert him to Morgothism (the last one to sing - that's Thuringwethil). The chess-like game is also a symbolic scene from the fic, where Sauron tries to get Finrod to open up while Beren is off in Dorthonion. A brief segue here - the main plot deviation of the fanfic is that Beren, like any rational dude, initially doesn't count on just walking into Angband and demanding a Silmaril, he rather plans a military campaign (that sets the grounds for the Union for Maedhros later) which starts by reclaiming Dorthonion as a strategic territory. When he and Finrod are captured by Sauron, Beren reveals Luthien and the Silmarils and whatnot but keeps the Dorthonion plans secret, and agrees to serve Sauron for a year in exchange for Finrod's life. He is sent to serve Morgoth's army in Dorthonion (which is not as depopulated as The Sil made me imagine). Without giving away the ending of that sub-plot, eventually he rushes back to save Finrod, hoping that he will arrive before he is killed, but he is recaptured - and from that point on, the plot of the Lay/Sil resumes without major changes, starting from the wolf pit on TIG.

It's interesting that they didn't include Truth, which is the only Zong song that has a direct reference to the fic and makes me believe the theory that one inspired the other. The "arrow set in flight" metaphor is one that is used twice in the fic to describe Finrod.
You passed from under darkened dome, you enter now the secret land. - Take me to Finrod's fabled home!... ~ Finrod: The Rock Opera
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