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Old 07-08-2020, 01:35 PM   #32
Overshadowed Eagle
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Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
I had no trouble with that one, it fits the rhythm perfectly I think. The line I recall tripping on is "One hope now for the children of Fire
Sworn is the Oath and the Oath will drive us!", because it's a couple syllables short and some words need to be stretched.
I've been listening to this (in Version 2) on 75% speed, and I think Cel'n'Cur are talking over each other enough that some syllables are being lost:

Тольк[о] одна [у] нас ныне надежда,
Клятва дана, но земля нас [не] держит…

'Только' is audible as a single syllable ('tolk'), with the 'o' merging into 'одна'. I can't hear 'у' at all. Similarly, 'не' completely vanishes on the second line. I'm sure they're both singing it all, but they're just enough out of synch that some sounds are vanishing!

Comparing the script to their sung version, I think it should be this:

Толь-ко од-на у нас ны-не на-деж-да,
Кля-тва да-на, но зем-ля нас не дер-жит…

Which is... much more highly structured than I expected. ^_^ Okay, I can work with this:

One sin-gle hope for the sons of the fat-her
Sworn is the Oath and the Oath is our master!

How's that?

(You can almost shove 'the sons of Feanaro' in there, but you have to turn 'Fe-a' into 'Fya' to do it. I'll do without.)

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