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Old 04-29-2019, 03:33 AM   #625
Overshadowed Eagle
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Huinesoron is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Huinesoron is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.
Originally Posted by Urwen View Post
So with that in mind, go with whatever definition you think is appropriate.
I will take as my definition 'turned from a true or divinely-appointed loyalty to actively and intentionally work against it while not under direct coercion'. So confessing something under torture, or working as a slave, are not treason; but escaping from those conditions and continuing to serve your enemy would be.

Breaking the laws of your nation is not treason, unless by doing so you intentionally work against said kingdom.

(Despite a certain desire to the contrary, I will also limit myself to characters from the generally-accepted canonical version of Middle-earth. It would be fun to delve into the Lost Tales and Story of Kullervo, but I don't really have the time.)

Originally Posted by Urwen View Post
Or, if you think it too broad still, I can narrow it down more/change the question.
No, no, we can do this. From the top, then.

The Traitors of Tolkien

Part 1 - The Powers
  • Melkor - betrayed the Elder King and waged war against the Valar.
  • Osse - turned against the Valar for a time.
  • Sauron - betrayed his master Aule.
  • Gothmog & the other Balrogs - Maiar who turned to Melkor.
  • Saruman - joined Sauron.

  • Ungoliant - no indication she ever served the Valar.
  • Glaurung, Carcharoth, etc - not confirmed Powers; may have been bred to evil.
  • Radagast & the Blue Wizards - failed in their tasks, but not said to have actively betrayed the Powers.

Part 2 - The Quendi
2a - The Vanyar

2b - The Noldor
  • Feanor - While serving as High King of the Noldor, rebelled against his overlord Manwe.
  • Fingolfin - During the captivity of Maedhros, staged an effective coup against the rights of said captive High King.
  • Celegorm & Curufin - While refugees in Nargothrond, orchestrated an effective coup against the king.

  • Aredhel - broke the laws of Gondolin, but did not betray it.
  • Maedhros & Maglor - While many times kinslayers, were never of the kingdom they attacked; nor did they surrender to Eonwe.

2c - The Teleri, Sindar, and other Third Host
  • Maeglin - After his return to Gondolin, worked to weaken the city for Morgoth.

  • Eol - Murderer and kidnapper, but not traitor.

Part 3 - The Big Folk
3a - The First Age
  • Gorlim - Refused to give up information under torture, but did so when bribed.
  • Turin - Mostly just hapless, but murdered the lord of Brethil, his adopted land.

  • Bereg - Rebelled against the clan leadership, but only to depart.
  • Ulfang & sons - Undercover agents for Morgoth.

3b - The Second Age
  • The Lord of the Nazgul & two compatriots - Lords (or Ladies???) of Numenor who took service with Sauron.
  • Herucalmo ("Tar-Anducal") - Usurped the sceptre.
  • Pharazon - Usurped the sceptre.
  • Amandil - Broke the law of Numenor and of the Valar in sailing west to act as informant against his homeland.

  • Elendil & sons - Acted to preserve their culture, not to damage Numenor.

3c - The Third Age
  • Beruthiel - presumptively a traitor, but could potentially just have been nosy.
  • The sons of Earendur - waged war on High King Amlaith of Arnor and split the kingdom.
  • Castamir - usurped the throne of Gondor.
  • Mardil "Voronwe" - effectively usurped the Throne of Gondor.
  • Grima - betrayed Rohan.
  • Eomer - broke the law of Rohan by allowing strangers to roam freely.
  • Eowyn - defied the king and left Rohan without a leader of the Royal House.
  • Beregond - abandoned his post and committed murder on the Silent Street.
  • Bill Ferny & others of Bree - opened the gates of Bree to invasion.

Part 4 - The Little Folk
  • Bilbo Baggins - stole the Arkenstone and gave it to Thorin's enemies to weaken him.
  • Lotho Sackville-Baggins - usurped the powers of the Mayor and Thain of the Shire.

  • Smeagol - Murderer and oathbreaker, but said oath was taken under duress and not particularly intended.
  • Merry - Disobeyed the word of the King of Rohan, but not to endanger the nation.
  • Pippin - Was relieved of his duty prior to acting against Denethor.

Part 5 - Other Races

How am I doing so far?

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