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Old 06-16-2015, 06:02 PM   #1689
Blossom of Dwimordene
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Galadriel55 is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Galadriel55 is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Galadriel55 is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Galadriel55 is lost in the dark paths of Moria.

Way to go village! And great job wolves! It was probably very tough to compete against the innocents, another wolf pack, and a freaking bear!

I will admit I did not read everything. You guys were too talkative, especially in the early stages of the game. But I reveled in the confusion of the Living thread and got a kick reading the Dead thread (the Dad thread? ). I love how everything got a nickname. I remember at one point, just as I was getting over Grip, Fang, Macpack, and the Tweedleorms, Agan through out a Wolfgang that made me crack up all over again. I just looked through the posts that Agan so helpfully linked in her summary and I have a stitch in my stomach. You guys are amazing! (but I suppose that Nerwen is lucky the Tweedleorms came about after she was accepted as innocent, or else she might have been called Nerworm! )

I was going to post on this thread earlier just to spite phantypants, but then you guys made a post race, then I was busy again, then you were trying to hint at 88, and I felt like it would not be fair to alter the post count, even for such a reason. Speaking of the post race, geeze people, how do you have time to read all those posts AND watch all the videos? (No, I did not watch most of them). I did make the mistake of clicking on Legate's Good Night link, and it's been stuck in my head ever since... ding ding ding ding ding... But the C3PO pictures were amazing!

Also, I learned something new in the realm of philosophy this game, which makes it worth it even without all the other wonderful stuff.

Kuru, that game was genius! And your narrations had just enough sarcasm syrup smeared on them to go down as deliciously macabre.

Most of the players have been mentioned already, and I'm not going to repeat all the remarkable things you've done, just that it was definitely a great comeback from the Great Blackout. Well done all!

One person who I want to mention, though, is my dearest Mama Wolf who was probably the most sensible person the entire game, and whose innocence I never doubted, even after the questionable stuff just before her death. *hugs*
You passed from under darkened dome, you enter now the secret land. - Take me to Finrod's fabled home!... ~ Finrod: The Rock Opera
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