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Old 07-04-2013, 09:50 PM   #62
Nilpaurion Felagund
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Pipe Group F preview

The origin of football in Arda is a much-debated topic among historians. There were about as many theories as there were scholars. Marnen, lead sports editor of the broadsheet Arda, believed that the sport was conceived by the Ainur even before the Ainulindalë, while Iorithil, editor-in-chief of Quenta Noldorin Sport, pointed out that the Quendi of Cuiviénen were the first to codify the rules of football. Grishbukh, Professor Emeritus of Orc Kinetics at the Utumno University, opined that the Orcs were the first to invent the sport, pointing out that the oldest known football pitch was found just outside the gates of Angband.

Football’s origins might be a hotbed of conflicting theories, but there was no debate as to the very first international game—that is, a game between two different peoples. While the Eldar were being transported by Ulmo aboard what was now Tol Eressëa, a game took place between a team of Eldar and the Maiar of Ulmo, a game that ended in a 0-0 draw. To commemorate the event, the Teleri later built a stadium around the pitch where the game was played, a stadium simply called the Tol Eressëa Stadium. Throughout the ages it has been renovated and expanded; now it boasted a capacity of 80 000, as well as the necessities of a modern football arena—VIP seats, floodlighting from special lamps designed by Varda, TV studios, and a press conference room.

After Eru’s decree last year regarding the ban of games on Valinor, Ulmo considered a way to circumvent the ban. If games cannot come to the Blessed Realm, then perhaps a part of the Blessed Realm can come to the games. Consulting with the Elves of Avallónë, he decided to return the island in the bay of Eldamar to its original state. A special team of Maiar (those not playing for the Sea) would move the island from off the coast of Aman, bringing with it a contingent of FC Valinor fans, whose team would play in Dol Amroth.

Their first stop: the port of Pelargir in Gondor.

The sight of the island churning slowly up the Anduin was something to behold. Thousands flocked from the hinterlands of Lebennin and Harondor, even some from Ithilien, to witness the island that had once basked in the light of the Two Trees make its way slowly to the great haven of Gondor. The local stadium Pelargir Park would also be used for the first matchday, playing host to Minas Tirith and Nargothrond. But surely, the hearts of locals would be torn—support the home team, or watch the match between the Sea and Tirion, a game featuring Númenóreans, the ancient Eldar, and the mythical Ainur, a game in a stadium that most Gondorians have never seen before, and, perhaps, would never have a chance to see again.

Football’s coming home, the banner over Tol Eressëa Mobile Stadium reads. For many citizens of Gondor, they might choose to forsake home just to witness history.

Group F Main Host: Tol Eressëa Mobile Stadium (Capacity: 80 000)
Tirion @ The Sea

Matchday 1 Co-Host: Pelargir Park (Capacity: 55 000)
Nargothrond @ Minas Tirith
フェンリス鴨 (Fenrisu Kamo)
The plot, cut, defeated.
I intend to copy this sig forever - so far so good...

Last edited by Nilpaurion Felagund; 07-05-2013 at 05:28 AM. Reason: Correction! I keep mixing numbers up.
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