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Old 06-22-2013, 01:58 PM   #5
Gorthaur the Cruel
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Gorthaur the Cruel has just left Hobbiton.
Originally Posted by Belegorn View Post
1- I think that there would still need to be a most skilled craftsman and I believe Feanor's grandson who forged these Rings, with the aid of Sauron, was closest to his grandfather in skill of hand. I can see some sort of venture to stop the fading being looked into since they were not in undying lands which was more their abode than the lands of Middle-earth.
There was another elven craftsman of great skill who dwelt in Gondolin who made the first Elessar (depending on which version you subscribe to) and was considered greater than Celebrimbor, maker of the Three.

2- I would think that Beren would probably be granted a fate like the Elves then and would have to come back as an Elf. If Finrod was sent back he would be mightier than he was when he was felled by Sauron in battle.
I agree. Take the case of the resurrected Glorfindel, whose spiritual strength now rivaled close to the maiar.

3- I like Felagund with Narya since he seems to be an Elf of the other people.
I think Narya best suites him because Finrod was very wise (him and Galadriel out of all Finarfin's children) and had the wisdom to lead and guide even the men, whom he taught at their first awakening. Finrod also showed propensity in songs of power (magic?) and was able to stand toe-to-toe, albeit briefly, with Sauron. I do not recall any other male Calaquendi showing such spiritual prowess other than skill of swords.

4- Luthien might wield the strongest Ring, but Galadriel would still be the mightiest Elf. Even when Elrond bore it she was still the greatest Elf in Middle-earth. Albiet, so long as Feanor is not around she is the top Elf.
I do not know exactly how far down Feanor and Galadriel were from Luthien's level (I'd estimate that in spiritual stature, both G & F were at 80% while Luthien at 100% in the beginning. And then after Melian's training of Galadriel, she would jump to 90%, and upon cultivating her power throughout the ages, she would reach 95% innate spiritual strength, and 100% while wearing Nenya). Luthien had the divine heritage of her mother, and her father, Thingol, was considered a Calaquendi; so those two combinations are pretty potent. But then you have exceptionally gifted elves like Feanor and Galadriel who are both equally in the utmost echelon even among the Calaquendi of Valinor at the height of their glory. So while I would say Luthien was inherently spiritually (and magically) stronger than both Feanor and Galadriel (though I doubt not by much, especially the latter), I would not rank any other elf (even the likes of Dior, Earendil, Elrond, or Fingolfin) above or equal to Feanor or Galadriel. These two were top dogs, and with the deaths of Luthien & Feanor... well only Galadriel now.

However, it is clear that no power save Sauron's could penetrate Galadriel's defenses in the 3rd Age.
True... which means the Balrog, Saruman, Smaug, Witch-King, etc. cannot penetrate or destroy Lothlorien, as they are not as strong as Sauron.

I think therefore that even in the 1st Age with these Rings of Power Sauron could breach the realms where the Rings were held in possession. Remember, Sauron may have been a servant but he was still a mighty Maia. It is clear that Elves can match the Maia as we have seen with the feats of the Noldor in the 1st Age.
While this is true, the exception, I believe, is Luthien with her maiarin blood with Vilya might be able to withstand a ringless Sauron indefinitely. Remember her mother Melian was among the top-tier maiar... not like low-level ones like Radagast.

Obviously aside from Galadriel the new bearers are stronger than Elrond, however in the 3rd Age Gandalf wielded a Ring and he would clearly be comparable to any of them.
I think Elrond is a great elf, and I would probably rate him at the level of Turgon or Fingon, considering his heritage (maia blood, noldor, telerin, and vanyarin heritage). But with Gandalf, although he is a maia, the body that he inhabited retricted much of his powers; his body was also quick to tire like that of an old man. But Luthien, though half maia, has the body and vitality of the eldar.

What of the sons of Feanor, how would they feel about these things?
As haughty as ever, I believe they would wage war against the guardians of the Three and would want to wield the rings themselves.

Also unlike the One these Rings were made for preservation. So they may have some use in the defense of one's realm they are not meant to be tools of dominion. That's not to say that they cannot be used to aid in war as Gandalf could inspire hearts and light a fire under his men with his Ring.
Preservation was the baseline power of the Rings (and these preservation powers were far more pronounced in the Three, compared to the Seven and Nine); but it was also said that the rings enhanced the natural powers of its possessors... thus approaching magic. And the Three had the greatest powers, hence why Sauron wants them. So yes, even the Three can be used for war, depending on the skills of their bearers.
I am Annatar, the Lord of Gifts.

Last edited by Gorthaur the Cruel; 06-22-2013 at 02:11 PM.
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