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Old 02-27-2013, 12:21 AM   #1
Dark Lord
Pile O'Bones
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 21
Dark Lord has just left Hobbiton.
The Eye Alternative Ending?


Would you guys like to see an alternative ending for the Lord of the Rings? I know most of you people will say, 'It will destroy the series' if PJ did that, but hear me out.

It probably won't happen anyway because, why would PJ go through all that trouble, re - hiring the actors, going to the locations just to make an alternative ending and probably not making any money out if it? I don't know, I can only dream.

We can start with this. We can name the ending where Frodo destroys the ring, the 'real' ending and the other ending, where Sauron takes over the world, the 'fake' ending. This will prove that the real ending, is actually the main one so people don't get the representation that it isn't.

Secondly, he can leave the first and second movies untouched, but for the third movie...

He could either, let Sam NOT take the ring, so the Orcs take the ring and take it to Sauron when Frodo is captured.


That an event happens where Frodo escapes with the ring (near Mt Doom), while Gollum chasing after him. Then, the Ring Wraiths come along, take the ring, and give it back to Sauron.

After that, show footage Aragorn, Gandalf etc, getting slaughtered at the Black Gate. And after that? Oh I don't know, show the ending where everything burns? Show what happens to the free people's?

I can only dream, I guess...
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