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Old 02-18-2013, 07:07 AM   #8
Pile O'Bones
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elvet has just left Hobbiton.
Originally Posted by Mithalwen View Post
I can never quite understand it when people say that film bring characters and places to life, for me they come to life as I read the books. If I see a film adaptation I think " oh so that is how x sees it" rather than "oh so that is how it is" . So I still haven't seen it ...I am sure it would have the same effect on me as reading Liz Jones has on my sister.
Stories can come to life in many ways. When I read a book, my imaginations builds up the world and characters and I'm the narrator. This is a very subjective thing. Everybody's interpretation will be different. When I watch the movie, Peter Jackson tells me the story, in his POV, but it is close enough to the book to mirror many scenes that I had in my head. Sure, the negative is it's his vision, but the extras compensate. I don'y have a soundtrack in my version . I like sitting back and having the story unfold visually - having the central narrative, but being able to glimpse to the side and under a tree or at the horizon. I love watching the moments I remember from the book and filling in those hazy edges from my imagined Middle-earth.
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