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Old 01-22-2013, 04:43 PM   #150
Legate of Amon Lanc
A Voice That Gainsayeth
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: In that far land beyond the Sea
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Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.
Day 1 morning

Now that the trolls became aware of the threat they were facing (even though it took a bit longer to the exceptionally dumb ones, who began talking only in late night hours before dawn), they started arguing which way was the best in determining who were those Wizards that were hiding in their midst.

"Let's taste each other, an' whoever tastes different, must be a Wizer!" Vol suggested.
So they started licking each other, but since trolls either taste like stone, or they taste rather awful even to other trolls, they soon stopped, especially after the argument became who tastes different or who seems to taste different than others.

"No good lickin' each other," said Oz at last. "Say we all turn around to stand on our heads having arm on us belly singing or reciting. Whoever manages is a Wizzer."

And so they did, and it was a pretty funny sight to see a cave full of trolls standing on their heads, but it was quiet, because trolls seldom sing and they cannot recite, especially when they are standing on their heads with their arms on their bellies. Needless to say, their arms can't sing either, and the Wizards were not so stupid as the trolls thought they would be and did not reveal themselves.

"I know a foolproof way to find out which of us are the good-for-everything, hoity toity wizards," Sal finally exclaimed. "Everyone hold up their feet! Whoever be wearing shoes is the traitor, an' whoever be wearing fancy shoes is a Wizard!"
But sadly, trolls rarely wear shoes, and the Wizards were clever enough to know that. So in the end, the trolls started arguing again and no clear course of action could be decided, even after Gil suggested he could try to sniff the Wizards out. It was really impossible, given the stench inside the troll cave, especially after all of them had held their feet up for some time.

It was Bane who finally came up with an idea that got the attention of others.
"Everybody knows that wizzards have beards," he said. "So that's what we've gots ter do, find a troll wiv facial hair and squash 'im into jelly ter spread on some nice, maggoty bread!"
The reaction he got, however, was not the one he would have expected.
"Bread?" screamed Brin. "Jus' bread? No meat?"
"I'm 'ungry," Mors suddenly said, probably reminded by the mention of food. "Let's just 'ave a dinner an' go to sleep."
"'tis always good if you can eat sum-un," Kat agreed.
"Bu' we 'aven't caught us a Wizzer yet," said Nog, looking more puzzled than usually.
"'ey, wha' if we ate a Wizzer!" Pom shouted.
"It ain't a bad idea," said Bore. "I ate a wizer once. Er it may 'ave been a lizer."
"Oi! I never et a Wizzer," said Cab. "Oi hears they can gobbles down a troll quick as ye loike. Say we gobbles um!"
"Let's get the pot boilin'," said Cop. "I'm tired of mutton."
"Blimey," Nerve agreed, "what self-respectin' she-troll wants stringy mutton to gnaw on when there's man-flesh to be had?"
"The only good Wizer is a dead Wizer," Lot agreed. "Or a roasted Wizer. Or a boiled Wizer. Or maybe a stewed Wizer."
"Bu' who should we roast, or boil, or stew?" Green asked.
"Lumme, if I knows!" Rick exclaimed.
"Pom o'er here looks like she 'as the most fat," said Lad.
The trolls all started shouting on top of each other, and most of all Pom, who suddenly didn't find the idea of having a dinner made of one of the cave denizens that appealing. But so furious and so hungry were the trolls, that before she could try to run or do something, four of them grabbed her and flung her into the boiling water.

First, nothing happened. Actually, only then nothing happened. Pom's body remained floating in the water, totally dead from the shock.

"Blimey," someone said, but then suddenly Pom's body started changing, her skin becoming less stone-colored and her hair lenghtening, and a long beard appeared on her chin. By then, the collective yells of "Blimey!" echoed through the cave.
"Looks like a supper for us! We got you, Wizzer!" the trolls shouted in unison and started feasting.

"Is it mornin' aww-ready?" Shaz yawned, waking up briefly from his overlong slumber.
"Yes, it is, ainnit," the others replied and soon all of them crawled to their corners and fell asleep.


Dumb and Dead
Thinlómien, "Lom", dispatched by the Wizards as a threat on Night 1
Legate of Amon Lanc, "Leg", dispatched by the Wizards as a threat on Night 1
Pomegranate, "Pom", a Wizard, boiled and eaten on Day 1

Dumb and Walking
A Little Green, "Green"
Bane Mantra, "Bane"
Boromir88, "Bore"
Brinniel, "Brin"
Coppermirror, "Cop"
Gil-Galad, "Gil"
Inziladun, "Lad"
Kath, "Kat"
Loslote, "Lot"
McCaber, "Cab"
Morsul the Dark, "Mors"
Nerwen, "Nerve"
Nogrod, "Nog"
Ozban, "Oz"
Rikae, "Rick"
satansaloser2005, "Sal"
Shastanis Althreduin, "Shaz"
Volo, "Vol"


Night 2 falls. Clever troll, Insomniac troll, Purse-troll, send us your picks. Wizzers, start plotting. Others, sleep.
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