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Old 12-17-2012, 11:11 AM   #139
Shade of Carn Dûm
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 276
cellurdur has just left Hobbiton.
Originally Posted by elbenprincess View Post
I canīt remember reading such a quote provided by you and anyway how can he alone remember the anchient stories better or more in detail, than a more ancient person (Galadriel) or do you mean the quote, that his house represents lore? That is hardly convincing.
No that was just one of several quotes I have provided. Here it is again.

'I will tell you the tale of Tinueviel.... and there are none now except Elrond, that remember it aright as it was told of old.
Galadriel stayed too becase she wanted see Sauron fall and because Men were important to her. Of course she was banned but even if not, she would not leave ME.
That is the difference. Elrond stayed probably in accord with the Valar's wishes much like Cirdan. Galadriel was banned.
So, she had the same reason to stay as Elrond.
Partly, but she also greatly desired to rule Earth and it was not with the Valar's blessing she was staying.
Actually I thought I know pretty much what happened in the 2nd age but that Sauron came in person to Rivendell is new to me. I searched the Sil and the Internet but I couldnīt find that it was Sauron himself, I just found that:

True, Elrond and his troops were able to drive Saurons host away, but that happened in many other regions of ME also under Gil-galad, the havens for example were safed. I think the defeat of Saurons troops was more a military act and not very much magic (the rings were not made for war anyway). Itīs not like in the third age, where not many elves were left, Elrond would have an army in the second age.

I donīt found anything that indicates that Sauron was in Rivendel.

Yes, it says that Rivendel was besieged but not that Sauron was there in person and could not enter.

He wanted to destroy Lindon anyway, together with the havens, independent of Rivedell.

He can hardy be everywhere at the same time, so if it says Saruron besieged Imladris it would be his troops in his name, unless there is a quote which says "Sauron was in person in Rivendel".
I hope this does not come across as rude, but you shouldn't just search the net looking for quotes, but read through the entire text. This way you can get the whole picture.

Sauron personally killed Celebrimbor and personally drove Elrond back to Rivendell, where he was unable to break through.

Leaving a huge army on your back is awful tactics in war and Sauron only did so, becaue he wanted the Elvish rings to strengthen his position. When the Numenoreans attacked, Sauron himself almost was killed personally.

In th letters Tolkien clarifies that Elrond's enchantment is what kept Rivendell safe.
There is no indication that he is the greatest power, unless you accept this "expecially Elrond" in this one letter. But that letter is debatable, many have differnet opinions regarding that. Also again, itīs vague
There are many other quotes.

It almost logic that Elrond would be considered the greatest loremaster, he is the most well known, while hardly no one knows Galadriel or has a completely wrong image about her.

In this case I canīt take Bormiers/Denethors opinion serious. Had Gandalf said it, then it wold be another matter but that is not the same as the "not even Elrond can fortell!

I have no problem accepting it but all the quotes you provided one can interpret differntly, there is no explicit statement, such as "Elrond was the greatest power besides the Maiar in ME" or something like that.

Elrond can never be superior to the equal of Feanor, (Galadriel) cause Feanor was the mightiest of the children of Eru (save Luthien). The top 3 of Erus children are definite!

Number 2 and 3 are Feanor and Galadriel, number 1 is Luthien.

That I would call a explicit statement. There is no wiggle room.

Luthien, Feanor and Galadriel are the chief matter of the legends and histories of the elves.
Gondor's ancient records and Denethor were well aware of Galadriel. If they praised Elrond, then it was because he was worthy of such praise.

You keep brining old quotes, which have been dismissed.

Greatest does not mean the mightiest.
Elrond is not one of the Noldor or even the Eldar.
We have gone full circle now and there is no point continuing. You are bringing up quotes I gave reasons against right at the start of the discussion.

Last edited by cellurdur; 12-17-2012 at 11:16 AM.
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