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Old 12-15-2012, 01:18 PM   #127
Shade of Carn Dûm
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 276
cellurdur has just left Hobbiton.
Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
Ok, there are a lot of arguments here that I want to sift's rather difficult when not all quotes get properly cited. I'm going to jump around between different posts, so bare with me...

First, to get it quickly resolved, elben is correct that Galadriel saw Gandalf's return and sent Gwaihir to get him:
Now as far as Galadriel reading minds. If I missed the quote cellurdur, I apologize and forgive me for asking again, but I still haven't a clue where you got it from. Not that I doubt you, because I can definitely tell you know your stuff, but it would be immensely helpful to actually get the proper references instead of digging to find the quotes you bold in your posts.

From what I've been able to glean (and this might change, depending on if I can find the part cellurdur is referring to about no being has the ability to read another's mind)...Galadriel could perceive thoughts and minds. It may not be a direct invasion of the mind, but it is still a powerful ability Galadriel possesses. That I don't think can be denied. I mean read The Mirror of Galadriel, where each of the Fellowship felt they were being examined, tested, and felt awkwardly "naked" in front of Galadriel. Add on top of it, the Halbarad arrives with the Dunedain to Aragorn's aid, because Galadriel saw that's what Aragorn desired and thus sent out word:

It's clear to be a power that Galadriel possesses and is quite the master at it. For it was also Galadriel who wanted Gandalf to head the White Council, and not Saruman.
Yes and Tolkien actually does talk about this.

The quote I provided was from Page 398, Myths transformed Morgoth's Ring.

I will provide the full quote, but will have to type it up.

No one not even one of the Valar, can read mind of other equal beings: that is one cannot 'see' them or comprehend them fully and directly by simple inspection. One can deduce much of their thought, from general comparisons leading to conclusions concerning the nature and tendecies of the minds and thought, and from particular knowledge of individuals, and special circumstances. But this is no more reading and inspection of another mind than a deduction of a closed room, or events taken place out of sight.

He does go on to say that greater minds could force lesser minds to reveal certain parts of their thoughts, but this was a great evil act and would soon corrupt the user and none of the 'good' characters used it. Galadriel had an exceptional and the greatest skill for the first aspect.

Here are the quotes from Page 338 Shibboleth of Feanor, the People of Middle Earth.

From her (Galadriel) earliest years she had a marvelous gift of insight into the minds of others, but judged them with mercy and understanding and she withheld her good will from none save only Feanor. In him she perceived a darkness that she hated and feared, though she did not perceive that the shadow of the same evil had fallen upon the minds of all the Noldor, and upon her own.

He continues about how pride stopped her tuning back and she was still too proud to return. He goes on about how only when the One Ring came into her possession did she finally have the means to gain what she wanted in her youth.

It was not until two long ages more had passed, when at last all she had desired in her youth came to her hand, the Ring of Power and the dominion over Middle Earth of which she had dreamed, that her wisdom was full grown and she rejected it, and passing the last test she departed from Middle Earth forever.

What she observed from the Fellowship could easily be guessed. Sam dreamt of going home and having a nice garden, becoming the master of Bag End instead of Frodo, Boromir wanted to take the ring and become the king of Gondor, Aragorn merely wanted the Dunedain to come and help him.

There is also, quite clearly, a power that exists in Lothlorien, that comes from Galadriel, and can only be overthrown by Sauron:
The same might be said for Elrond in Rivendell, but Gandalf's statement that Rivendell would be the last to fall is rather moot. As G55 said, there's the geographic reason that it would be the last conquered. There is no way around it, Galadriel's power in Lorien could not be overcome, unless Sauron came there himself.

I had more specifically about Aragorn's kingdom, but my time is pressing, so I'll have to get to that later.

Cheers. Excellent discussion, if I may say.
Lothlorien still has a much greater population and army than Rivendell. That apart people ignore how Sauron DID actually come to Rivendell and was still unable to conquer it. This was Sauron with the One Ring and Elrond without Vilya.

That apart the quote does not take into account Sauron unnaturally empowering one of his servants. The Witch King at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields was not the same power as the Witch King as usual. He was so greatly enhanced by Sauron directly, that Gandalf the White was unsure about the winner of the outcome. The Witch King at that battle was particularly terrible.

Last edited by cellurdur; 12-15-2012 at 02:01 PM.
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