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Old 11-19-2011, 02:52 PM   #1232
Illusionary Holbytla
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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Firefoot has been trapped in the Barrow!
“Perhaps you'd better stay behind and let me go out myself,” said Quin.

“Oh. Ah, sure,” said Léof, taken off guard. Perhaps Quin didn't want Tyrdda to think he needed moral support just to ask a girl to dance. That must be it. “Whatever you want.”

Quin smiled. “Thanks,” he said, and went off to find Tyrdda, leaving Léof at something of a loss standing there. He looked around, either for a girl to ask to dance (he was skeptical of finding one available), or for someone else to talk to (a more likely prospect). As he turned, he was startled to see Rowenna heading straight for him.

“Léof! Dance with me?” she asked.

He recovered his manners quickly. “I would be honored,” he said politely, and offered her his hand. Inside, however, his thoughts were racing. Why on earth had she picked on him? What was Quin going to think? What about Nydfara over there? He glanced briefly over her shoulder and saw Nydfara watching him. Just ignore him... Léof couldn't help feeling a little triumphant at that, after how Nydfara had needled him this morning. Léof knew, too, that he was a better dancer than Nydfara. So there.

The song was both familiar and lively, and Léof quickly found the beat as he led Rowenna onto the dance floor, stepping and spinning in time. He hadn't the slightest idea of what to say to her, but he decided that was just fine: she had asked him to dance; let her think of something.
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