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Old 03-14-2011, 05:02 PM   #48
Wight of the Old Forest
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Location: Unattended on the railway station, in the litter at the dancehall
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Pitchwife is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.Pitchwife is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.Pitchwife is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.Pitchwife is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.Pitchwife is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.
This production was clearly jinxed, Coldan thought while he anxiously watched Rollan examining Brinn's ankle. First the plot of their script had started falling to pieces, then their lead actor had passed out in a drunken stupor, and now the backbone of the troupe, the one person who could be counted on to keep their crumbling act together, had managed to incapacitate herself. Could it come any worse?

Fortunately, most of Brinn's roles in the play were walk-on parts which could be taken by any of the other Players, except for the Sorceress of the Golden Wood; that, however, posed a major problem because of the crucial seduction scene, in which all of Frodo's companions were supposed to be on stage with her at the same time, leaving none of them able to stand in for her.

"Perhaps we could have the Sorceress sit down", Asta suggested, "she could be on a throne, you know... or maybe, Therian, you could take over the rôle?"

Therian didn't seem too enthusiastic about that proposal, but to Coldan, it was a stroke of genius. Yes, of course! Make him the Sorceress and let Asta play Éowyn the Shieldmaiden instead! Therian's sullen mien would do nicely for a six thousand year old hag, and this way Asta could get to play a heroine after all; killing the Witch-King herself should recompense her amply for not dying a tragical death.

This time, however, he managed to keep his thoughts to himself for the time being. There would be opportunity enough to bring them up the next day, or the day after that, when they had found out what else in the script needed to be changed. For now, Brinn's injury had to be dealt with. Aldarion was doing his best to convince her to be sensible and let herself be looked after, and for once, Coldan found himself agreeing with the playwright's common sense.

"I zink you should stay here and lie down, Brinn", he said. "You shouldn't valk on zat foot. Ve'd hev to take you to ze Houses of Healing in a vagon, and zat's uncomfortable on zese cobbled streets. Better for one of us to run and fetch a healer. I can go, Rollan, if you'd rather stay viz her. Amdír can give me directions, and I trust ze rest of you should be able to remember your lines vizout me by now."
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