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Old 07-04-2010, 11:34 PM   #8
Mister Underhill
Dread Horseman
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Mister Underhill has been trapped in the Barrow!
Well I had to reach all the way back to the long-defunct but still hanging in there EZBoard incarnation of the Downs to find it, but I still think my late 60s era all-star action extravaganza cast is pretty good:

Bilbo -- Sir Alec Guinness
Frodo -- Peter O'Toole
Sam -- Gene Hackman
Merry -- Michael Caine
Pippin -- Donald Sutherland
Gandalf -- Sir John Gielgud
Aragorn -- Clint Eastwood (or you could go William Holden)
Legolas -- Robert Redford
Gimli -- Telly Savalas (or George Kennedy)
Denethor -- Yul Brynner
Theoden -- Carroll O'Connor
Boromir -- Charles Bronson
Faramir -- Steve McQueen
Wormtongue -- Robert Vaughn (or Dennis Hopper)
Arwen -- Raquel Welch
Saruman -- Henry Fonda
Gollum -- Don Rickles
Galadriel -- Jane Fonda
Éomer -- James Coburn
Orcs -- Eli Wallach, Ben Johnson, Bruce Dern, Strother Martin

I note some overlap with previous posters -- great minds and all that.

Follow the link if you dare for other variations, including a black cast (Denzel as Aragorn ) and a made-for-TV cast (Hasselhoff as Aragorn ).
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