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Old 01-05-2010, 05:45 PM   #718
Laconic Loreman
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Where to start on all the lovably insane people I met? I will try to go in the order that I met them, but after the first few days, everything is a blur. I would come back to Kelly's and Brinn's to only meet 3-4 new people sitting around.

Form and Nienna picked me up at the airport. Actually my first interaction with Nienna was her receiving a call about me being lost in the airport. This would only be the first call about being lost she would get. The second occured at the corner of Beacon St, and a street that began with W, then spotting the Green Line T to "North Station." Form tried to give us directions, but Glirdan and I were only marginally lost as we were able to retrace our steps back safely to enjoy Mac's potato pancakes. Glirdan's documented our adventure, by taking random pictures, so he can share the pics.

Nienna was very much like the mother of the get together, the one with a plan of epic proportions. Sometimes the execution of the plan failed, but overall she was an extremely commodating and giving host. She was probably worried about having to leave Form, Mira, and I in the apartment for a while because of work (and the "how do you turn off the fire alarm texts" definitely didn't help). However, we soon showed her she had nothing to fear, leaving us to take care of the place, and clean in her absense...even though Form forgot to turn off the stove when learning how to make pasta.

Form was almost exactly as I expected. He likes to come off as a curmudgeon, but is the most laid back and caring person I have met. He was also like a parent in many ways, always willing to listen and willing to help. This may be biased because he wanted to steal me away, to cook for him, and our glomps were quite fabulous. I even thought I saw him at the Cleveland airport yesterday, but alas I was going crazy with miserableness at leaving the moot.

Mira, Mira, Mira...considering her first words to me, which are very un-family friendly and demanding that I carry her bag (that did in fact weigh more than Shasta, because I had Shasta on my back at one point), also getting slapped in the face once, she was a most fabulous sister...ehm grand-daughter . I don't know if I've met anyone who shows her love so's really disturbing. She should see someone who can help her with those issues, the way she attacked the pretzels and chicken (thanks for the help though) was scarring. We were able to come to a few agreements about football too, which was surprising, seeing as she is a fan of a team I detest, who's QB has yet to show he can win a championship. Without question, the best moment was the first dinner (with Form and Nienna). I was glad to hear there was a possibility she would not have the jersey of the over-hyped QB I mentioned above, suddenly she whips off her sweater and there it is. The face of disgust I made was priceless, and it was so good, it can't be replicated nor captured by a camera.

Next comes the great Viking, aka Danish, aka Rune. Out of the four of us there, I was probably the least nervous about meeting Rune, because we have had some nice, long conversations on-line. When he first got off the plane, and on the train ride he seemed a little dazed and quiet...probably because of jet lag and coming to realize he was in Boston. But once he loosened up with a few beers he was a blast to be around for the rest of the trip. An absolute joy to talk to and go to the pubs with, and he can even make boring grocery shop runs entertaining by his excitement over the price of meat. Dragging me away from telling Kath a story to show me the price of a piece of steak and going on for the rest of the time about how in Denmark you couldn't get meat for that price. I regret missing the next grocery store run with him, where he literally skipped to the meat. Another funny moment with Rune, at the liquor store where he mistook the penny/change jar as a tip jar for the cashier. (Don't worry, Rune, I don't think you have to worry about insulting the man).

That same day Brinn was getting Kath from the airport, and so my first meeting with them took place at the apartment. Brinn is a lovely super-talker who knows how to make great desserts and stuffing. I didn't get much time with Brinn until my last few days where we stayed up late playing cards, and I regret being a bummer about not exploring Boston more. The cold winds made walking around Boston too unbearable for me. I thank her much for burning the Glee soundtrack for a lot of us, because that will provide hours of entertainment for me once I get my back to my laptop.

Kath, is just a charm and beautiful person. It was hilarious when she first came and started talking to Rune. All of the americans sat and listened to the two with thick accents talk and argue. I don't know how to describe it better, but Kath showed that it was perfectly ok to be mean to the Dane. Whenever you meet someone new, you're pretty nervous how you can interact with a person and you don't want to come off as offensive. At first, that's how I was with Rune, but Kath comes in to show it's just Rune, it's ok. Umm, but I will not discuss how she forgot there was a Ranger in the WW game she modded, which as Shasta posted in the Grimoire, made me rather cranky. An honest mistake of course, and our somewhat tipsy convo using Word on Nienna's computer made up for it. Plus, she introduced me to all new kinds of card games!

And that is all for now, sorry the rest will most likely have to wait a few days.
Fenris Penguin

Last edited by Boromir88; 01-05-2010 at 05:51 PM.
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