Thread: Born of hope
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Old 12-12-2009, 09:25 AM   #15
Sage & Onions
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Rumil has been trapped in the Barrow!
Eye Lights Camera Action

Well, just watched this at last, and I must say I was mightily impressed!

I think it's a real step-up from 'The Hunt for Gollum', far better paced and plotted and a cracking job all round.

I do like the Ring of Barahir being the 'proof' required for orcish termination of Arador/Arathorn (otherwise I guess they could bring back any old finger!). Dol Guldur looming over Southern Mirkwood. Arathorn's infiltration of an orc hold in the Misty Mountains (Goblin Town?). Almost thought that Gollum was going to put in a guest appearence when the underground lake was up. The Troll was pretty well done too and the orcs suitably nasty. Great to see Halbarad, Elrohir and Elladan get a look in.

Only a couple of possible quibbles - the funeral pyre seems non-Dunedain-ish (Gandalf going on about Heathen Kings re Denethor's fiery end etc). Taurdur(?) the Ranger settlement - but wasn't their base in the Angle south of Rivendell - though to give the benefit of the doubt maybe they moved there after the events of the film?

All in all excellent, so I wonder if anything else is in the pipeline?
Rumil of Coedhirion
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