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Old 11-21-2009, 09:05 AM   #598
The Saucepan Man
Corpus Cacophonous
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The Saucepan Man has been trapped in the Barrow!
Ring Lovers' PMs - Day 2

Continuing the series of soppy love notes ...

Originally Posted by SpM
Lover dearest

Dear Foo Foo

Quite a good Night for us I think. Two Gifteds and a Bear out of the way. It’s great for us, I think, that the Wolves got the Bear, since it massively reduces the prospects of one of us dying at Night and also opens up the possibility for us to reveal (of which more below). Sorry to see Boro go though.

With the Wolves currently in the ascendancy, I think that our best tactic, for toDay at least, may be to try to get another innocent lynched (not one of us, obviously). I still haven’t got any clear picture of who is who, but I am thinking that the Wolves may be Nogrod, Loslote, one of Lari or sally, and one other. Possibly Pitch. Not at all sure at this stage though.

I see that the idea of me being the Cobbler has come up again. This is to be encouraged, as most Villagers are far keener on lynching Wolf suspects than Cobbler suspects and it may help me to avoid the Wolves at Night.

With regard to the prospect of revealing, this will become a very viable tactic with the death of only a few more innocents. There are currently 14 villagers. If an innocent is lynched toDay, then there will be 12 tomorrow. Assuming that we both survive the Night then, together with the Wolves and the Cobbler, we would form an unbeatable voting block of 7 versus 5. The question of whether it would work depends upon whether the Wolves are gamblers. They could gamble on winning alone and risk killing one of us or take the safe course of siding with us and sharing the victory.

For now, however, I don’t think that there is any sense in us revealing unless one of us is in very serious danger of being lynched. As I will not be there at the deadline, that may be something that you wil have to judge.

What do you think?

Love etc

Originally Posted by Fea
Re: Lover dearest

Originally Posted by The Saucepan Man
Quite a good Night for us I think. Two Gifteds and a Bear out of the way.
Couldn't have planned it better.

With regard to the prospect of revealing, this will become a very viable tactic with the death of only a few more innocents. There are currently 14 villagers. If an innocent is lynched toDay, then there will be 12 tomorrow. Assuming that we both survive the Night then, together with the Wolves and the Cobbler, we would form an unbeatable voting block of 7 versus 5.
Frankly, I'd enjoy teaming up with the wolves for a co-victory strictly because it would be fun to watch the village squirm helplessly. And I always do so prefer to be a manipulative baddie in these games... It's more fun when you need not worry about anybody but yourself.
Originally Posted by Fea

Now normally I wouldn't dream of taking over your assumed role of cobbler, but

1) if the village thinks I'm the cobbler, they'll leave me alone

2) if the wolves think I'm the cobbler, they'll leave me alone

3) if they can't figure out which of us is the cobbler, we have nothing to fear from the wolves, and the village, without a clear target, is more easily manipulated.

Besides: Roa told me I wasn't cute.
Originally Posted by SpM
Fee Fee Dearest

Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
Besides: Roa told me I wasn't cute.
Hush now, of course you're cute.

I don't see any harm in you putting yourself forward as a competing Cobbler candidate. If the Wolves see us both as potential Cobblers, then that can only be to our advantage. I see that you have been attracting a bit of suspicion yourself, which is good as long as it doesn't gather too much of a head. I am rather disappointed in a way that all the suspicion of me that was around yesterDay has somewhat evaporated. It increases the chances of the Wolves coming after me toNight.

I have no idea who to vote for at the moment. Porbably one of Greenie, McCaber, sally or Lottie, as my sstated supicions have been heading in their direction. Problem is, I think that one of sally or Lari probably is a Wolf. But it might look opportunistic to jump on the gathering suspicion of Greenie and McCaber. Anyway, I'll hang around for a bit and see what develops.

On possibly revealing toMorrow, I think that we should consider it if there are 5 baddies and 5 goodies (and us), as we would hold the balance of power and be able to deliver the Wolves a win. It's risky as we would leave ourselves open if the Wolves wanted to go for the sole victory, or (as Nogrod might) thought it unsporting. Problem is, I am not going to be around much toMorrow. I will only be around early in the Day and then later, at about this time.

What do you think?

Love etc

Originally Posted by Fea
Re: Fee Fee Dearest

Originally Posted by The Saucepan Man
Hush now, of course you're cute.
Why thank you, dear.

I have no idea who to vote for at the moment.
That makes two of us. I had to start talking after Pitch pointed out the flaw of my acrostic argument. Of course it's not like it wasn't intentional... Anybody who believed what I said about not being able to expose my opinions because they don't rhyme easily clearly didn't notice the fact that I explained this in standard verse, using an acrostic that spelled out "Why I'm not a wolf." Including the apostrophe!

But having to talk meant having to think fast, and just because I want to lynch the so-called reindeer doesn't mean I think they're evil it just means I think they're less able to be manipulated due to inactivity. And I don't want to kill an actual wolf or the cobbler if we're going to want their numbers later.

It's risky as we would leave ourselves open if the Wolves wanted to go for the sole victory, or (as Nogrod might) thought it unsporting.
It's not unsporting if only due to the fact that I said point blank in one of my posts that the Lovers might not have the village's best interest in mind. I consider that revelation to be fair warning, and I consider Roa's brush off of the Lovers not being a threat as a dare.

Problem is, I am not going to be around much toMorrow. I will only be around early in the Day and then later, at about this time.
I'm not sure if I'll be around at all, actually. I'm trying very hard not to be, but there's been an unexpected shuffling of vehicles in my household and the odds of borrowing Dad's car are significantly worse than the odds of borrowing Mom's. However Mom's car needs new tires (particularly since it started snowing... tonight...), which Dad (who fixes cars) will be putting on... on the day I want to borrow a car... While Mom drives Dad's car to work...

So ideally, I'll be around only from about seven hours after Day starts, then in the hours leading up to deadline. But all the middle ones, I hope to be missing in action. Except for the fact that Dad's really uptight about his car. So I might be around all day.

Ah, my lack of car and my inconvenient location in the back end of nowhere...

Love and rose petals,

Originally Posted by SpM
Re: Fee Fee Dearest

Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
Anybody who believed what I said about not being able to expose my opinions because they don't rhyme easily clearly didn't notice the fact that I explained this in standard verse, using an acrostic that spelled out "Why I'm not a wolf." Including the apostrophe!
I didn't notice but I hope one of the Wolves does. Its very Cobbleresque. And brilliant too.

And I don't want to kill an actual wolf or the cobbler if we're going to want their numbers later.
Ditto. I went for Greenie. She could be a Wolf, but I thought on balance not. Nogrod looks more Wolfish to me at the moment. Roa, I am fairly sure, is innocent.

It's not unsporting if only due to the fact that I said point blank in one of my posts that the Lovers might not have the village's best interest in mind. I consider that revelation to be fair warning, and I consider Roa's brush off of the Lovers not being a threat as a dare.
Yes, I noticed that. Fair point. So, let's play it by ear. But, if we get the chance, it may well be worth going for. We can plan it together during the Day if necessary. Provided, of course, that we are both around at the same time. Which is likely, I think, as I should be around a few hours before the deadline.

Love etc

Originally Posted by Fea
Oh Lover Boy!-

Can you hear me, lover boy?

Mistress Moddess Stick requests that if you have the PMs I've sent you, don't delete them, since she'd very much love to read our correspondence post-game.
Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!
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