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Old 08-01-2009, 03:20 PM   #25
Mighty Quill
TheGreatElvenWarrior's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Walking off to look for America
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TheGreatElvenWarrior has been trapped in the Barrow!
I have changed my avatar, but not often I can only remember two of them, when I first joined, I had a picture of Samwise with his and Frodo's swords in his hands. It was because of my user name, it fits, i guess, because Sam very well might be my favourite character in Tolkien's writings.
I now have one of a tea pot building (which, incidentally, is my default one on LJ) the only reason is because I like tea.
Now, Laurinque for a while really wanted me to change back to my Sam avvie because it reminds her of TGEW, despite the fact that she knows me in RL and sees me just about every other day.

As far as other avvies go, Hookbill's has changed quite a lot since I first joined. But the one that I liked best was the one that said "News, it's good.", I still think of that when I read his posts.

Eönwë, on the other hand, I couldn't imagine him without his avvie. Lalwende falls into the same category. If she changed her avvvie, I think that the BD would explode or smething.

Nogrod, to me is still Tom Bombadil, simply because I really liked that avatar.

For me, if I am friends with a Downer on Facebook, I rely less on their avatar to make an image. I will now associate them with photos that they have posted of themselves. Though, I still think of their avatar when I see them.
The Party Doesn't Start Until You're Dead.
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