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Old 05-22-2009, 07:56 AM   #1
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 70
JeffF. has just left Hobbiton.
Army Composition/Soldier Types

Composition/Soldier Types of the Armies of Third Age Middle Earth

These are my conclusions on the make-up or components of each army:

The Army of Rohan would consist mainly of medium cavalry and not as many heavily armed knights. This conclusion is due to the horse herding culture and the fact that the ratio of heavy cavalry to light in historic Scythian type cultures is about 1 to 10. Tolkein wrote in a letter that he saw them as being similar to the Norman knights depicted on the Bayeux tapestry (given his other descriptions of them he must have envisaged them as Norman knights with some horse archers). Trade with Gondor would improve armaments so that the majority cavalry would be partially armored and well armed (thus my conclusion they were medium cavalry). Excerpts from UT and LOTR variously describe the ratio of horse archers to other cavalry as between one of ten and one of seven riders. My conclusion is that in a typical Rohan host 1 of 8 heavy cavalry (Household eoreds of the Royal family like early Medieval Knights), 1 of 8 horse archers (like late Roman cataphracts), 6 of 8 medium cavalry (like Norman cavalry with light armor, shields, helmets).

According to UT (Disaster at Gladden Fields) the Army of Gondor was mainly infantry but by the time of the War of the Ring there were significant mounted contingents (like the Knights of Dol Amroth). Archers would also be significant (like those of Pinnath Gelin and the Rangers of Ithilien). LOTR talks about both axe-men and spearmen, but the signature weapon of Numenoreans seems to be the longsword (from UT Disaster at Gladden Fields). Based on typical historical medieval armies I believe they would have about 1/4 Cavalry (half heavy armored knights, half less well armored mounted sergeants/squires), 1/4 archers (archers of the TA no longer used the ‘steel bows’ of the SA), 1/2 infantry (half long-sword men remainder spearmen and axe-men).

Beornings I conclude these would mainly be big men on big horses, not necessarily heavily armored but definitely heavy armed. This is due to their historic ancestral ties to the Rohirrim, and the need for mobility in the vales of Anduin and their reputed great stature. They would be also be a form of mounted infantry, able to fight in the hills, mountains of the Misty Mountains as well as under the eaves of Mirkwood, helms and shields were probably the limit of their protective hear and they would be familiar with horse archery with swords and spears for close combat.

Woodmen. These cousins of the Beornings would be mainly archers, javelineers, axe-men and swordsmen. Entirely infantry they would be much like the Rangers of Ithilien. Woodcrafty, they would excel in partisan warfare, the ambush and raid.

Army of Dale. Typical city state medieval army. They would probably have a higher ratio of cavalry due to their common ancestry with the Rohirrim. I'd say 1/3 cavalry (3/4 Knights and 1/4 horse archers). The infantry mainly long-sword men (as they were in the Battle of Five Armies). They would be exceptionally well armed with their proximity and trade ties to the Dwarves of the Kingdom Under The Mountain with matchless weaponry and strong armor (thus most of the cavalry heavily armored and not ‘medium’).

Elven Army of Thranduil. 1/2 archers and 1/2 spearmen. Traditionally poorly armored like their relatives the Green Elves of Ossiriand. The bow and spear were their traditional weapons. Spears (long spears/Pikes) are not typical weapons for forest cultures but the short spears that can double as thrusting weapons and (at need) javelins are. Their good relations with Esgaroth (and subsequently the Kingdom of Dale) would give them trade access to Dwarf crafted weaponry from the Kingdom of Erebor, at least in the TA. They were woodcrafty beyond the skill of the woodmen also ambushers and raiders.

Elven Army of Lorien. 1/2 archers and 1/2 spearmen. Similar to Thranduil's host they have superior bows (as described in the gift of the Lothlorien bow to Legolas, said to be superior to his peoples, being stronger and it is assumed greater range and penetrability). Woodcrafty (like Thranduil's) They would have greater morale due to the overlord-ship of Galadriel and the faith in her power to protect Lorien.

Dwarves (of Erebor and Ered Luin). Almost entirely heavily armored axe-men with stout chain mail, round shields and shortswords (as Gimli is described as well as the host of Dain at Battle of Five Armies). H mentions horn bows (composite bows) which would require the craftsmanship dwarves were famous for. This would give them a small but very effective body of missile troops (though the overwhelming majority of dwarves would seem to prefer close combat with the axe). It is likely that ‘younger’ dwarves that have not reached full adulthood would be used as archers.

Hobbits/Men of Bree. Typical medieval militia infantry. The hobbits would seem to prefer bows and slings when it comes to combat. Probably 2/3 archers and slingers, remainder militia type spearmen (as most of the Bree men would be) with some armed with wood cutting axes, farm implements like scythes and flails (like giant nunchaku sticks AKA 'Nunchaks or Numchaks' actually evolved from an implement used to thresh grain).

High Elves. These few remaining would be the best armed with the weapons and armor of the Noldor. They would have significant cavalry 1/3-1/4 of the host. They would also be supported by many Sindarin archers. Few in number they would probably would man defenses of the havens and Rivendell. A few of the eldest Noldor who had seen the Light of Aman in the Blessed Kingdom would be like Glorfindel (as described in FR) and would have great power that the servants of Sauron would have quailed before; Galadriel would also be one of these.

Haradrim. These were a coalition of different peoples similar to African and Middle East warriors. Scarlet seems to be the color of choice for uniforms of most Haradrim. Having few horsemen these would be mainly infantry (spearmen with some archers) and medium cavalry similar to Saracens and Turks with light armor, scimitars and spears. They would also have a number of war elephants (mumakil), said to be much larger than elephants we know, difficult to control and liable to go beserk among their own troops as well as the enemy. Infantry types include ‘troll-men’ described as black and tall as trolls - probably in physique like the Watusi of Africa – the tallest humans, if so they would be armed with spears and protected by shields of hides. Majority of infantry should be unarmored or with leather armor but all would carry shields and perhaps a few elite units with metal helms and armor armed with spears and swords.

Variags of Khand are undescribed but should be similar to Haradrim in armament but far fewer in number.

Easterlings. Again majority infantry, some bearded axemen (described as never being encountered before) with 'few' horsemen described in FR as horse archers also chieftains in chariots. Charioteers not mentioned in Battle of Pelennor nor the Battle at the Black Gate, likely then that the chariots were in the army that attacked Dale/Erebor. UT (Cirion and Eorl) describes Easterlings as using pikes for defense against cavalry .

Orcs. Varying from heavily armored and armed Uruks to lightly armed goblin archers. These were the majority of the Dark Lord's Infantry. Uruks were elite units say one out of ten in ratio, described as man-high and some being armed with bows of yew. Uruks also served as leaders in units of lesser orcs. Additional breeds of orcs included trackers (archers) with keen sense of smell. Lesser orcs also had large individuals but not Uruks, indicating variation in size. Orcs could be fierce when I overwhelming numbers, driven by leaders like Nazgul or avenging a fallen chieftain but could also be infected by fear. Orcs were armed with serviceable weapons and sometimes heavy armor, Uruks carried short broad bladed swords while the lesser Orcs carried scimitars (called bent swords in H). Orcs were said to be skillful at inventing weapons of war (perhaps siege engines).

Trolls. These are the shock troops of the Dark Lord. Armed with great hammers and protected by scales (Boromir’s sword stroke bounced off the cave troll’s hide), they seem to be vulnerable in the TA only to special weapons like elven swords (like Sting) and barrow swords (like Pippin's – a sword of the ancient Dunedain). Few in number they are at most described as being 'companies' not battalions. Probably less than 50 in each, if there were more they would have overwhelmed the Army of the West - standing before the Black Gate on the two slag hills in short order, breaking thru their ranks and allowing the horde of Orcs and evil men in. Olog Hai were the latest breed, developed by Sauron, they could withstand sunlight while under his power. Trolls as described were like Ents and were around twice the height of men. Bred in mockery of Ents from an unknown stock – they were stone like. Other breeds include Stone Trolls, Cave Trolls, and Hill Trolls. Perhaps these are the ‘Giants’ referred to in the Hobbit and I. Hurin killed 70 of these in the battle of Unnumbered Tears with an axe that was not an Elven weapon so perhaps Trolls had evolved or Sauron developed some scale like protective armor for them.

Dunlendings. A poorly armed people as described in UT (the battle of the Fords). Few with armor (except those who captured some) and armed with spears, swords. They would also have some cavalry (unarmored except for champions and chieftains), UT describes some battalions of pikemen during the battles of the Isen crossings. These are probably Dunlendings (probably in the model of Scottish Schiltrons of the Braveheart era) who developed the use of the pike armed formations as a defense against the cavalry of Rohan.
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