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Old 11-12-2008, 02:09 PM   #333
Shady She-Penguin
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Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.
Originally Posted by Agan
I found this comment not necessarily suspicious but weird. Is filibustering something you "really have to try"? Aren't there any possible advantages to it? You say the only purpose you can see it serving is chaos-creating, and I think that's exaggerating.
I don't have to try a filibuster. I can hardly see the point in it. I was just thinking that this village will want to try it and I can kind of see why - it's a once in a ww career chance. I think that much was pretty obvious from what I said. And no, I honestly cannot see it smartly serving any good purpose. If you can, tell me, and I even might become a filibuster-supporter.

Originally Posted by Agan
For I couldn't really see any triangle between them. Could either Lommy or Shasta, or both, explain to me where it came from.
I was merely pointing out the obvious: that those three have interacted with each other particularily much and stand out because of that and because of their loudness.

Originally Posted by Agan
Shasta. Don't really understand where that phantom-Boro-Legate triangle came from. It reminds me a bit of Nerwolf's "their interaction makes me think there might be a wolf involved" in some game ages ago.
I cannot see anything that suspicious in Shasta's actions, even though they were maybe a little weird.

Originally Posted by Agan
Legate. I don't know. I just somehow don't like him. I'm at a loss as to why he voted against filibusters because I myself can't see anything wrong with them (if someone is filibustering when I want to go to sleep, then I just don't vote), and his anti-phantom thing looked fabricated (which it probably was), as well as his wavering and 180 turn later on. However, his reaction to Boro's questioning looks rather innocentish.
"If someone is filibustering when I want to go to sleep, then I just don't vote"??? And you elected this person to be a rep? That is... outrageous. If someone has been given the trust to become a rep, it is utterly irresponsible to care so little about the vote. *shakes head*
Secondly, I diasgree with your suspicion of Legate. I think his anti-phantom thing was more like a sort of prejudice that simply wore off. And like I've said before, I doubt a wolf would have made such a 180 degree turn. That would have served no purpose but making him look more suspicious and gather attention.

Honestly, Aganzir's suspicions strike me as rather forced. I think she's merely trying to grasp any kind of behaviour she can call suspicious and make a horrible mess out of it. And she claims I'm exaggerating. How rude. Simply put, I don't think her behaviour looks like hunting wolves, it looks like hunting supicious behaviour. I cannot phrase it so that it makes any more sense, but I hope at least someone can understand that.

Originally Posted by Agan
Err? Your response looks rather empty. About whatever we do here is wolf-hunting, and at least I would consider going through the voting reasons wolf-hunting as well. You seemingly don't.
Ah, see? Again. She's taking something I've said and tries to make it as suspicious as she can. (I know someone who talks as carelessly as me must be an irresistible target... ) Going through the vote reasons is wolf-hunting, yes, but not the same way as rereading the thread, debating and making cases. Maybe I phrased that badly, but I think going through those reasons would be alittle secondary in a village like this where relatively few suspicions have been presented in realtion to the post/ page count.

Originally Posted by Agan
I found only one in my post. I can't speak for Greenie but I wouldn't call her use of positive adjectives great trust, either. If we have to vote early and you know it, why on earth are you telling us later that we trusted her way too much given how much she had posted?
If something frustrates me in these games it's that I always get suspected because people take my personal impressions as twisting of the truth. I got the impression that you trusted her quite a lot given the early phase of the game. I'm not going to continue arguing about the exact truth of this. It's the feeling I got and I'm entitled to it, you may have seen it differently, but frankly, I don't care. I cannot trust anything you say anyway. And lastly, to reply you, I think that's a pointless question. Of course you had to vote and give your trust to someone. I only think you gave your trust rather easily to her exactly and phrased it so that it looked rather easy.

Originally Posted by Aganzir
And I do think you've been exaggerating. Trying to make small issues sound bigger than they are.
Okay, I know I'm getting heated but this is just too much! You cannot say that to me. You're the one nit-picking and making mountains out of molehills all the time. I have no doubt it's wise to question about everything everyone says but when you do that, you can hardly blame anyone for making small issues sound bigger than they are.

Originally Posted by Boro
The question is would a wolf-Legate want to be this obvious, this early in the game? Is he trying to pull a double-bluff?
I've already talked about it, but I doubt he'd want to be that obvious. Of course, he is well able to pull a bluff like that, so who knows. He strikes me as rather innocent really, and I can't see all this sudden suspicion for him.

Originally Posted by Greenie
The triangle thing looks quite bad on him, actually - my guess is that where Lommy referred to a phantom-Boro-Legate triangle she meant that the three interacted a lot with one another and were in the centre of attention, Shasta took it as a suspicion that the three were fellows and grasped it. Please, Shasta and/or Lommy, correct me if I've misread you; but that's how it seemed to me.
More or less so, I think. At least for my part.

Originally Posted by Agan
And when Lommy gets home she will scream and jump up and down and wonder how I can be so annoying as to suspect her every time we play together.
I'm not screaming and jumping because of that, I'm screaming and jumping because your suspicions of me are so incredibly stupidly ill-based and wolvish! Anyway, I don't mind being suspected, really, it kind of makes it more probable to make it through the Night. And lastly, it would be hypocritical of me to be angry with you being like that because I too have fallen to my old habit - suspecting you in return.

Originally Posted by Greenie
Agan - thanks for clearing the Lommy thing up, it makes more sense now. The response doesn't look like the most innocent Lommy, though I still don't go so far as to suspect her because of that.
Now this really strikes me as terribly wolvishly diplomatic. *shrugs*

Originally Posted by Nerwen
Can we assume that Gil's out? His confusion looks pretty genuine to me (however, I haven't played with him much).
I think it looks genuine too.

Phantom's explanation for his Legate-vote makes sense. I don't suspect him right now even though I would kind of like to...

I will go to sleep soon, but I'd like to hang around for a little while and argue with the reps a little more... we'll see...

edit: xed with Nog and Gwath, and Kath, and Gil, and Gwath
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
Blood is running deep, some things never sleep
Double Fenris
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