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Old 08-01-2008, 01:25 PM   #11
Cryptic Aura
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Brevity thy name is wit

Whoops, let's not get into personal attacks here; let's just look at the ideas.

Originally Posted by Formendacil
If I may be permitted to take up Burrahobbit's mantle...



but who can resist drawing the comparisons between the mighty Dark Lord Sauron, amassing armies to assault Middle Earth, as with Adolph Hitler during his reign in Nazi Germany and his seige on Europe?

A clever acknowledgement of burrahobbit's clever and witty eloquence, Formendacil. I will go, however, for something less succinct.

Gondor can be seen as the British. Gondor fought long and hard against Mordor often times holding it alone, much like Great Britain did after the defeat of France and while Russia and the US were trying to steer clear of trouble.
Well, let's take this further to see what legs it can stand on. Who in Gondor would play Chamberlain's role of appeasement? What to do about that awkward bit about the king with Nazi sympathies who abdicated? Would that be Boromir, whose actions actually could have led to defeat? Who else would be the Mordor/Nazi sympathisers who were not uncommon in Britain before the war? Who would play Churchill's role of defiant conservative? Faramir? And what about those former colonies who came to the aid of Great Britain, as the little island didn't exactly stand alone--one of which was "rewarded" for its support and participation by having a beach all of its own to attack, Juno Beach, on D-Day.

And how would mad Denthor fit into the British situation of the time? Or would that be the king who abdicated rather than give up the woman he loved? Denethor's descent into depression, despair and madness began with his wife's death. Is there something here about men who care too much for their women? No, not really.

It is really important to look specifically at what Tolkien said about how a true comparison to WWII would look--it is not a very flattering portrayal of the Allies at all.

It would also be very easy to make comparisons between Mordor and Stalinist/communist Russia--both perpetrated unspeakable horrors on people who lived within their territories and both maintained prison camps for people and both persued networks of spies against their own citizens. Generalities can be compared easily but details are what makes a comparison really sustainable. jmho
I’ll sing his roots off. I’ll sing a wind up and blow leaf and branch away.

Last edited by Bęthberry; 08-01-2008 at 06:52 PM. Reason: oh the horror, the horror! sp!!
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