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Old 02-26-2008, 10:06 PM   #597
Posts: n/a
Ceaselessly inhaling the warm apple cider that had become such a popular beverage during what seemed like an age of stormy weather, Haves allowed himself to make short conversation with those around him. The conversation with the friendly barkeeper was short and generally consisted of well-rehearsed questions from Dick with short, quick responses by himself. Moments away from verbally interrelating with some of the other stranded travellers who had escaped from the storm, he was suddenly addressed by the man who he had signalled to earlier about the comical behaviour of the curly haired hobbit.

“You’ve been on the road a week? Where do you hale from then?” Was what he had said. Obviously such a bland question must have been frequented very often when starting up discussions in a tavern such as the Golden Perch, an establishment that by the looks of its current occupants had more foreigners than locals. Haves decided to grace the other, also young man with a response.

"Aye, a week. Just been travellin' north mostly. I live on a farm y'see, near the quaint hamlet of Norton. It's not common others 'ave 'eard of it, but yer asked where I came from and that's my reply."

Haves exchanged a few brief words with Dick once more, his tongue loosening more and more with each word that escaped from his mouth. After asking the barkeeper if a warm cup of soup was available, he reflected more in depth on the current residents of the dimly lit room. Immediately he observed a stout being, who could not look more well-travelled. Haves had never seen a dwarf, but he had certainly heard of them, and to avoid looking too interested, he refrained from staring and mentally set a reminder to converse with him afterwards, for he looked most likely to be able to broaden Haves' mind with news from outside the borders. His eyes crossed briefly on an elf, and what appeared to be a huddled mass on the floor. It was a wonder he had not trodden over him when he had stormed into the tavern seeking much-needed warmth.

Realizing the conversation had become scarce and that he had been lost in his thoughts and observations, Haves furthered the conversation with the young man a few stools away from him.

"The names Haves, by the by. Pleased to meet yeh. Do ya frequent this tavern often? I'm rather surpised I 'aven't heard of it, it's truly the epitomy of comfort. 'Owever it could just be the contrast between inside 'ere and that hellish storm out there."

He flicked his eyes quickly towards the bar to see how the barkeeper had taken this comment on his workplace.