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Old 02-12-2008, 08:16 AM   #31
Laconic Loreman
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That's just what I'm getting at! The story in itself is perfect with just The Hobbit and Rings - it's worked for millions of people so far so why does it need any extra padding?~Lal
To continue with the Star Wars analogy if I may...

It would be like if _________ (insert name of director) decided to make a movie in between The Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, filming the 20 (or however long it is) year gap between the two movies.

Let's forget about copyrights and all that legal stuff, why wouldn't some one attempt to insert another Star Wars movie between Episodes III and IV? Because there is no story, and one is not needed, to do so would being trying to suck every penny out of the successful franchise. Episode III told the story it wanted to tell, it shows Anakins fall to becoming Darth Vader and how Padme, the Jedi...etc were all caught up in it. Episode IV had another story to tell, who cares if it was ___ (insert number of years) later? To try to "force" a story showing those years of Luke and Leia growing up and Obi-Wan wandering a desert is pointless. It doesn't add to, nor does it matter, in the "big picture."

I would like to add that POC was taken from a Disney ride. So if a Disney ride can inspire three movies, whats to say Tolkiens work in the appendicies couldn't make a good movie?~Quempel
Yes, but they had free reign to make up whatever story they wanted. Someone can come in and do a little potpourri of scenes from all the various events between The Hobbit and LOTR, but they will still have to put it together and make a story out of it. I think the point is that since there is no story, one is going to have to be "invented." However, just because they would use the same names and have it set in Middle-earth and call it The Lord of the Rings, doesn't make it The Lord of the Rings.

In an effort to bridge the two stories (TH and LOTR) I can imagine the wild inconsistancies that would arise. We saw what some of Jackson's tweakings did and how it caused inconsistancies within the movies themselves. Just give Hollywood reign to force a story, where there is none, and then you'll see inconsistant.
Fenris Penguin
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