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Old 12-29-2007, 12:54 AM   #286
Laconic Loreman
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You know, the more I think of it, the more the argument between Mac and SPM worries me. At this point I'm feeling like one of them is a wolf trying to get the other one in trouble.~Farael
Or they are two talkative innocents who are simply lost. That happens quite a bit, when you get a couple of "leaders" they end up turning on eachother. One gets lynched and then the other one is as good as dead the next day...come to find they're both innocent.

For the moment, SpM looks reasonable and fine. I particulary like his points about Kath yesterday and so far today I've seen a Sauce that I like to see. A thoughtful, considering all possibilities, person...someone good to have to counter the stubborn, "judge by feeling," type of person that I am.

As far as Mac, I figure he spotted a wolf on Day 1, might as well trust him, until he is horribly wrong. I mean if he is a wolf, he'll reach a point where he can't keep lynching his buddies and innocents will start dying off. The game I referenced before when Nogrod casted two crucial votes to get his pals lynched. Well, what finished him off was simply, I was dead after the 2nd wolf died...leaving Noggie as the lone wolf. But the intellegent villagers figured out..."wait a second, a couple days have gone by, why is Nogrod still alive? Why hasn't the last wolf killed the most assumed looking innocent yet?" Catching onto Nogrod isn't going to give Mac a free pass to the me on that, but I don't see why we should buy into this quacked out theory when there's other "theories" which are far more possible. I mean from the looks of it you're better off if you just keep lynching innocents, but as soon as you catch a wolf the automatic reaction is..."Oh he's gotta be a wolf." When really it was someone noticed something was off.

Care to explain why Boro? I could go either way on both of them, but I have stronger suspects at present.~SpM
Sure thing...though I think I jumped the gun on Isabell. That was based off of a certain person's judgement, from yesterday, but as far as her post today soon enough I'll know her true identity. So, I recant Isabell, but substitute Aganzir.

As far as morm, on Day 1 I thought he was playing a bit conservatively...not what I typically expect from morm. He didn't seem to be too committal to anyone. He accused Rikae of acting wolfishly by tossing around accusations, but in the meantime poked accusations at Nerwen, Farael, Rikae, and me.

Then on Day 2, I followed up with what Rikae pointed out, that he came out pushing the Mac-Nogrod stuff; something I'm not buying into. Then in post 204, as Mac observes, he acts as if he is backing off of suspecting me saying he felt I was being "genuine." When not 15 minutes ago in the post before he was prodding suspicion at me:
If Boro or Eomer (not both) is a wolf that could explain why they didn't vote Nogrod but I think I'm off base and geting into unrealistic scenarios...however with that said Eomer and Boromir are perfect candidates to pull off the most unrealistic of scenarios.
In fact, me being a "bold wolf" that would do unrealistic things seems to be something that morm likes to remind everyone of...from Day 1:
Boro is an incredibly bold player who would definately play a bluff like this if he were a wolf hoping to smoke out the true seer, thinking the seer might be a bit rash and reveal him/herself prematurely. Of course, it could be that Boro is simply an innocent and is provoking reaction. I would think the latter to be true but with his quick vote of Kath, who hasn't acted overly strange to me, it adds a bit to the overall suspicion. (Post 147)

I really do believe he is playing a rather bold game, it's when he's at his best, and I've seen him before do things like this and get away with it. He is in the top 3 to 5 most bold players. What he has said doesn't add up to me and is the one who sticks out to me the most at this point. (Post 153)
And into Day 2, after he had apparently backed off of me:
Boromir seems rather cocky about the whole thing. A few comments have been given and the manner in which he presents himself doesn't sit well with me. I also find it odd that he basically refuses to believe the possibility that Mac/Nogrod were conspiring simply because 'it's never been done before'. Seems rather weak and that he's not open to other possibilities. His votes have been without any real reason. Something stinks of wet fur with that one.
In fact this whole post (post 231) just looks like a wolf. Morm, as observed in Day 1, just looks extremely non-commital. He blamed his "weak" accusations on Day 1, but by this time we were well into Day 2, and he is still doing the tip-toeing around stuff. Or is just making general statements like "Legate seems innocent and helpful." and "Eomer ,while completely touched in the head, I think is innocent." I do that on Day 1 to get some discussion going, but as said this is well into Day 2 now.

Then finally, he makes a strong argued case against someone (post 245), but who was it against? Nerwen. Nerwen has caused confusion and has been a top candidate right since this village took off, so sorry to say this, but that's something that wouldn't be hard to do.
Fenris Penguin
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