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Old 04-08-2007, 08:50 AM   #114
Neithan Tol Turambar
Posts: n/a
I think that certainly profit is the motive. Would J.R.R. Tolkien approve? Not to changes of any kind, since we know he carefully pondered every word, to see if it harmonized with the vision he had 'to report'.
Tolkien wanted foremost to entertain. Knowing that his manuscript would now do so, and that very many of us long to enter his world and view new vistas, he would concede with reservations.
I think it should only be done so long as there is a clear differentiation between the text written by J.R.R. Tolkien and that of Mr. Christopher. I do not at all support a text that gives no indication of where the Father ends and the Son begins. Otherwise I am tempted to believe that the whole thing is a fraud, not written by either Tolkien, and we will see that it contains shallow and swift scenes and heavy dialogue, and no doubt will form the basis of a new screneplay. After writing this and just now deliberating on the subject, I would say no.
If we still have questions and long to penetrate deeper into Tolkiens world, then let us become still, and silent, and meditate on this, and see if to us, like to Tolkien, that it might be revealed. Perhaps the desire for more is because we have not fully comprehended the grandeur beauty of what we have.

Last edited by Neithan Tol Turambar; 04-08-2007 at 08:57 AM. Reason: grammer
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