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Old 03-07-2007, 05:26 PM   #386
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Originally Posted by Raynor
There is no single clue as to what abilities either of them would use in an actual one-on-one confrontation. That is why I consider your claim that luck has no place there as unwarranted, at least for the time being - we have no evidence of whatsoever; it is an "argument from ignorance", a fallacy.
Gandalf would use his ring plus supernatural powers of a maiar; the Witch King only has his lesser ring, modest sorcery & the added demonic force to help counter the maiar. Gandalf has a formiddable elvish blade, a mightier steed, & likely as not a higher power potential to draw upon. Unless there is a weakness in either where luck could lead to their downfall, it should be ruled out. The only character acting rash & overconfident in this scene is the Witch King.

Above all Gandalf prevented the Lord of the Nazgul entering Minas Tirith, & is therefore victorious overall.

Last edited by Mansun; 03-07-2007 at 05:37 PM.
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