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Old 03-05-2007, 04:14 PM   #363
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The fact that the Witch King withdrew at the gate as Gandalf challenged him means that Gandalf did win. The Witch King effectively threw in the towel as though this battle was no longer for him. I don't remember the Balrog withdrawing when confronted by the entire Company - it knew it could defeat any of them with it's power. That's how it is as the books are concerned.

As I have said in many previous posts, PJ should have made the Witch King something like as hulking a foe as the Balrog in appearance to show that his power had been upgraded. Some of that crackling electrical energy would have done the trick. As far as the films go, the Witch King won, all because of some nitwit script writers. This was not all PJs fault - if you listen to the commentary for this part, the two ladies speaking appear to be responsible for this ridiculous scene. Gandalf was nearly blown to smithereens through one bolt of fire by the Witch King! Now who on earth would have honestly wanted that to happen in the film?!

Last edited by Mansun; 03-05-2007 at 05:04 PM.
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