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Old 02-15-2007, 07:56 AM   #21
The Squatter of Amon Rûdh
Spectre of Decay
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Pipe Into the East with Westwood, or something

We can't ask Underhill to take time out of his busy schedule just to write some comic homage to a Hollywood icon. Surely he would never wear such an imposition. Anyway, I'm glad to hear that others mean to join us in our bumbling progress through these mysterious islands.

I've discovered that my order for an internet connection was somehow lost, but I'm now assured that the equipment is on its way. I'm also working on some ideas for a temptation, at least for my lucky lads. Incidentally, I've been considering the earlier versions of the Hiding of Valinor, where a belt of enchanted islands bars the path from the Hither Lands. What I was trying to say in chat last night was that we could have stumbled on just such a defence, and be negotiating it in entirely the wrong direction. It seems typically REB to go through the cunning magical defences after having already visited the kingdom they protect. I think they call such dumb luck 'the Beren factor'.

I'm glad you liked poor Laetninrod's brief moment of fame, Thenamir. Somehow I get the impression that you organise an interesting fishing trip.
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