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Old 01-15-2007, 07:04 AM   #668
Everlasting Whiteness
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Kath is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Kath is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Kath is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.
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"Frodides! You have help! Allow me to introduce Ginna daughter of Randvér, eorldorman from the north of the Middle Emnet."

Frodides turned round surprised, soapy hands dripping water onto the floor. Tutting in annoyance she grabbed Kara's still drying apron from where the girl had left it and dried herself off before crossing the kitchen to discover just what was going on. Help? She already had help, even if it had gone missing today.

A quick but hard glance at the newcomer told Frodides that this girl didn't have the same sweet naiveté that Kara did. No, this one was sharp and probably wasn't afraid to show it, a quality she liked in those young enough yet to be berated for it. Still, she wondered just what she was to do with her. There really was no room for a third cook and even if there had there was no need for one. Opening her mouth to inquire what this Ginna was for she found herself pre-empted by Eodwine.

"She is to be our serving wench. Kara can't continue to do everything alone and Ginna's father wishes her to learn some necessary skills. She'll be under your command so teach her well. I must attend to our guests, good day!"

Both women eyed each other up, the Eorl leaving almost unnoticed. Frodides noted the keen interest in Ginna's eyes but either she was shy about speaking out or wasn't sure of the rules yet. She doubted it was shyness, even just a moment with the girl had given her the impression that gentleness would probably be met with contempt, so she settled on the blunt approach she was famous for in order to get her talking.

"So girl, what is it you've done to get yourself put in here? A serving wench is no bad job but I'll warrant you're of a position where work is hardly something you need."

The straightforward outburst confirmed the notions Ginna had formed regarding the woman before her. Her father seemed to have come to the right place. Frodides did not appear as one who would tolerate idleness and nonsense; perhaps she would even watch her with a tenacity to rival, if not outmatch, the lord's! But far from finding her intimidating, or at least not as welcoming as the young Lčođern and the Lord Eodwine, Ginna felt oddly drawn to her.

But maybe that's just because I feel alone. Anyone in that blesséd place would be better company than the one she had left when Eodwine led her into the kitchen. Though she expected to be given the whole day to spend as she would like, and was disappointed in being told that she was to start right away, Ginna felt nothing but excitement. She had a new life ahead of her. A life that, because she would have to live with people other than herself in mind, was without a doubt more meaningful.

"I am hoping to bury the memory of it beneath the tasks you would have me do," she replied, the faintest hint of a grin playing on her lips. "Let us just say that in being here I hope to a proper woman should be."

"And what's got you thinking you're not already a proper woman?" Frodides replied, intrigued by the amusement in Ginna's answer.

That's a question best asked of my father, Ginna thought bitterly. She lightly shrugged.

"Perhaps that I seem to know but a little of serving, and too much of being served. That's one misfortune of being the sole child."

She looked around the kitchen with casual interest, hoping the thought of their duties would return to Frodides's mind. Ginna feared that their conversation was approaching a point she would rather it did not reach.

As Ginna glanced round the kitchen a little uncomfortably Frodides decided to let the subject go. No point in scaring the girl off now. One last question had to be asked though before they could move on as she needed to know whether there were more mouths to feed.

"And is the father that allowed you to be so unfortunate staying for lunch?"

"I honestly don't know for certain," replied Ginna. "I thought he was just to accompany me, and then go on his way, but he might want to stay a bit and get re-acquainted with the Lord Eodwine." Though I hope not, she added to herself.

"It would be good to teach me what I have to learn for now, anyway. I'm quite a quick learner, from experience."

"Indeed?" Frodides asked, pleased by Ginna's apparent eagerness and her confident manner. "We'll start with a simple lesson then just to check your aim. See those cups by the sink? Lay them out around this table ... that's it ... now fill that jug with water and use it to fill the cups."

The look Ginna gave her after being given the last instruction made Frodides laugh out loud.

"I know it seems silly but there are those who can't pour without spilling everywhere. Normally I would send you out to the great hall but we've had one accident out there already this morning, and guests don't take kindly to having water thrown over them. In any case, all those who want drinks have them at the moment. So start practising."

A bit reluctantly, irrationally thinking there must be a trap laid out to ensure her failure, Ginna retrieved the jug to which Frodides pointed. Once filled with water, it felt considerably heavy in her arms, but her training with the sword had strengthened her slender limbs enough to hold it steady. And then, slowly and carefully, she poured the water into the cups. It took her a while, but she did it without any spillage.

She put down the now only half-filled jug, exhaled lightly, and looked up expectantly at Frodides, unable to resist inwardly smiling at her success.

Frodides nodded in satisfaction. Ginna could follow instructions and pour a steady cup. Her speed would have to be worked on but that would improve with time and the experience of serving a table of thirsty guests all wanting drink at once. She had to admit to herself that she was mildly impressed with the girl, as that jug she'd been given to practise with was far heavier than anything Kara used and yet she'd managed the weight and borne it without complaint.

"Good." Was what she said aloud. "We might just make a serving wench of you yet. I'll need to try you with food next but there's no way of doing that until it's ready to be served, and I need your help with that."

Nodding toward the large array of unprepared goods laid out along one of the walls she continued.

"This isn't something you would usually be called on to do but I've had a fair number of interruptions today and the girl that works with me has taken the day off. It's a good thing to learn anyway."

"What do I do?" Ginna responded, and Frodides set her to work immediately, again impressed despite herself at the girl's obvious determination to succeed with this punishment. For that was definitely what this was. If a nobleman merely wanted his daughter to learn things that might prove useful to her later in life he would have her learn them as part of lessons rather than actually forcing her to change her entire way of living. Ginna might not be ready to give answers yet, but Frodides was sure that the departure of her father and a sympathetic ear might just persuade her otherwise.

Last edited by Kath; 01-21-2007 at 08:16 AM.
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