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Old 11-23-2006, 06:29 AM   #34
Newly Deceased
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 6
findorfin has just left Hobbiton.
I also find it strange that Faramir has seemingly more ornate armour. However, when you think that armour was a highly personal thing, perhaps not and Boromir's is hardly drab. Perhaps he just preferred the extra mobility, or for that scene has removed parts of his armour. Afterall, he's talking to his brother AFTER the battle. We see Faramir fully-coated when he's about to charge.

Another argument would be that faramir's armour is in some way supposed to represent his Numenorean blood to the audience, whereas Boromir was more 'common'. This is a purely film-making reason.

Also, to reply to the post above..I doubt Denethor would have ordered anything for Faramir. As the steward's son and presumbaly a wealthy man in his own right, Faramir would have got exactly what armour he wanted.
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