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Old 06-26-2006, 10:32 PM   #318
Eidolon of a Took
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Wolfman Sauce

Day 1


Wolfy's (okay, okay) Saucey's first post is pure in character flamboyance. The only really interesting thing to note is his consistent reference to WWJ VIII in the form of his honking Goose which oh so jokingly insists that Potboiler is shady. Maybe it's just my paranoia, but it smacks somehow of a bold dareisay "saucey" wolf having rather a good time waving the obvious at us all in the name of roleplaying. I mean, he's played a few games in between this one and WWJ VIII so why refer back to it now?

This alone however means nothing in and of itself, it's just a feeling, so onwards....


Still in character, not much to note in and of itself. However -- he is responding to Kath's suggestion to off Eomer, a proposition which he will later spend a lot of time opposing seriously (even after Eomer's death at the paws of the wolves -- note the important aspect of vindication).


In character attack on pirates (Jenny and me) and another subliminal message from the Goose. Not much to say.


His player-by-player analysis is pretty much all joking, and yet he somehow manages to come up with a lynch list from it. Lynch lists are serious business and is in stark contrast to the seemingly pure banter preceding. His reasoning is, of course, pretty much all role related, but the list conveniently includes 3 proven innocents (I of course count 4 to include myself) 2 of which were Gifteds. He explicitly states that even if Jenny, Taliesen and I are innocent we'll be no great loss.

I dislike this post because it seems to contain, to me, a lot of serious malice hidden behind the innocuous joking.



Explicitly states that a wolf would want to prolong the banter whilst calling for an end to the banter. "Look at me, I'm so not Wolfish!"

Also, defends Eomer. Strongly defending someone whose identity you don't know is... interesting. The only people who knew Eomer was innocent were the wolves and so I find a wolf to be in excellent position to defend Eomer and look good for it after Eomer died.


Not much to mention about this one, though I do find it odd that all is right with the world when Nilp self votes, but when Form acts Vintage Form, it was one of the bothersome things. (See #48)


Mmm... nothing much to note. The discussion of Lovers, spurning Google (how lazy, ) is neither innocent nor guilty. I wonder though why he wants to trust Ang?


Rejects Jenny's suggestion that the Goose is a Fea-style bluff. (I remain suspicious.)


Hmm. If I were a Wolf on Day 1, I would do my best to lie low, blend in, act normally and avoid attracting undue attention. Perhaps throw out a few theories or ideas, but nothing that might lead back to my pack-fellows or later serve as a hostage to fortune.
Make note, this is very conveniently not how he's acting. He's being very bold (flood-posting, really) and making efforts not to blend in. Then he comes around and tells us how un-wolfish his behavior so far has been.

Okay, to his credit, though, he does make note that:

It’s always the least likely ones as turns out to be Wolves in my experience.
Which is a common SaucePhrase that I thought was missing. However, it doesn't go all the way to settle my wrong feeling based on the first quote.

The other interesting thing to note is the second lynch list is a bit different than the first, with only Taliesin making it onto both lists.


His reason for voting Holby seems a mix of her behaving how he thinks a wolf would, and the in character banter about her being a whale hunter. I suppose a proper analysis of this vote would requite an analysis of Holby's behavior that day, to see how it actually compares to the way he portrayed it. Augh.

Day 2


This is the post with all the told you so'ing about Eomer. Compared to Jenny's I told you so'ing it seems more calculated to me. Like he had rehearsed all along how he was going to use Eomer's death to cast suspicion on the Eomer voters. (2 of which are now proven innocent, and I am able to count myself as a 3rd for my own personal ruminations).

As for the Eomer voters, well I will be keeping an eye on all of them. Although, again, I doubt that more than one, or two at most, voted for him.
This seems fishy to me. It's a good way to raise suspicion in other people's minds without seeming too committed to attacking on your own part. That way, when they all start popping up innocent, you can say you never said they were guilty, just suspicious. It's perhaps this doing a lot of talking about Eomer but not actually pushing his own personal votes towards it that disturbs me in the sense it seems like trying to control the lynchings without actually seeming to be controlling. And it seems to be working, 'cause many are very vocal about their trust for him.


Well this is just... silly. Even if he didn't think we should have been discussing Eomer, it's a big fat no duh that we would have. The events of Day 1 sort of pitted those who think Eomer is too dangerous to leave alive and those who... don't. Just because Saucey is on the "don't" side doesn't mean there wasn't going to be any debate nor anymore Eomer votes cast had Eomer lived. With this statement Mr. PanMan is being overly controlling of the village (thought police!) and living in a utopian world where everyone posts the way he thinks they ought. Which compounds the feeling that Eomer's death was to create a forum for waving about how right he was about Scottish Innocence.


Does allow for the possibility of Eomer's death being a frame up of Eomer "grudge voters" (though, if you ask me, what a silly idea for a frame up. Wolves don't kill for grudges, they kill Gifteds). He brings up and interesting point about Gurthang, which I find interesting enough to merit looking into, but, later.


Continues ruminating about Eomer's death and the wolves' motivation, which seems to be a rather disturbing obsession with him. Other things to note in this really long post is that he continues to pester Holbytlass, suspects Gurthang of wolf-on-wolf voting (which I know not to be the case) and find Glirdan to be off the mark but innocent. Interestingly, in the end suspicion summary, he mentions me, Firefoot, and Durelin without having really given any reasoning as to why we are also wolfish in his view in addition to Holby, Glirdan, and morm. (Morm was a top suspect due to his case against Ang.)


You know, I too am rather concerned about Jenny. As I mentioned earlier, and as others have commented since, her (seemingly rather frantic) attempt to save both Nilp and Eomer, followed by the deaths of both and thereby the proof of their innocence, may well have been calculated to make her look good.
Frankly, maybe it's the hindsight speaking, but Jenny's behavior re: Eomer's innocence seems more genuine than SpM constant harpage upon the subject. And pointing this out without mentioning that he too has been in the I told you so position strikes me as the Potboiler calling the Hunter black.

And then of course there's the whole "OOOPS, did I do that?" aspect of shining a bright light on Jenny's pointing out that she might be the Hunter.

Sorry, Jenny, if you are the Hunter and I have blown your cover. But I figured that, if there is anything in it, the Wolves will have picked up on it anyway.
Uh-huh. Because you're a wolf! Why were you "rather concerned" about Jenny if you thought she was the Hunter? Huh? Why did you at first try to paint her as wolfish, then in the very same post blast about that she could possibly be the Hunter?


Funnily, in this post he does an about face and implies that Jenny is the innocent Lover. Which, if she were the Hunter as he seemed to think, she could not be.


I really don't think that she is the Hunter.
What? What happened to Sorry Jenny if you are the Hunter and I have blown your cover?


Votes Holby.

Day 3


Diamond: Posted first and, when Glirdan speculated that Wolves often post first, spent a great deal of energy in effectively disproving the point.
Heh, trust me, SpM, this analysis takes far more energy than listing a bunch of easily accessible facts. Funny though what you consider to be a great deal of energy... that list took a minimum of energy. Plus it didn't require me to actually analyze any of the posts for this game, which is what I was having trouble getting into at the time. Lastly, and of course I do realize no one will believe me, I did that list because Glirdan's comment made me curious to see if it was usually true, not just because I myself posted first.

His [Ang] voting record is lousy, although it doesn’t follow from that that he’s a Wolf.
I find it interesting that the last time I remember you you making a point about saying that about someone, you were the Goose trying to save Quath's feathery butt.

I find it interesting that he continues to assert a feeling of Glirdan's innocence, whilst Glirdan is one of the very few to agree with my mistrust for SpM so far toDay. Almost seems like two wolves trying to distance themselves from each other by forming opposing views of each other.

Alright, I'm starting to feel exhausted, and the post just keeps going on and on.... Plus I'm getting the sinking feeling that to adequately judge these summarizations of people's actions I'll have to do in depth analysis of each and every one of them as well. Which I can't do because I could spend the entire night into next afternoon and never get it done. Curse your loquacity, SpM! Argh!


Votes again for Holby, and has not been heard from since to react to his main suspect turning out to be the Seer.


Well, that's it for Saucey. So this will be it for me:

+ + The Saucepan Man
All shall be rather fond of me and suffer from mild depression.
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