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Old 05-07-2006, 09:38 PM   #56
Shadow of the Past
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Alcarillo has just left Hobbiton.
Here's my minion...



NAME: Osfrid

AGE: 48

RACE: Human, Rohirric


WEAPONS: Osfrid carries a long knife hidden in his jacket, but he rarely uses it, and prefers to pummel people with his fists.

APPEARANCE: Osfrid is of average height, with a strong and sturdy build. He has long blond hair, reaching down to his shoulders in thick locks. He has a big blond mustache, and blue eyes. He tends to smile a lot, especially when meeting new people, and his back is always straight and his head held high. He always wears a big, brown coat and tall black boots.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Osfrid's a friendly fellow. He loves to surround himself with people and be the center of attention, and he charms many people with just a handshake and a smile. He lacks arrogance or pride, which Osfrid knows are dangerous, and this is why people like him so much. But this not to gain friends. This is how he performs his mischief. With his friendliness, he can convince mostly anybody of mostly anything. He can tell a straight lie, and if he smiles enough, he can swindle anything.

Osfrid's one weakness is for women. He loves to chase after them and lure them away to accompany him on his adventures. Every few months or so he has a new lady friend. The latest is a Gondorian woman out of Anorien, named Muriel. Osfrid insists on bringing his women everywhere with him, and loves to spoil them with gifts.

Osfrid thinks of himself as a gentleman thief, and would take insults about his profession very personally. Many brawls he's fought have began that way. Sometimes he thinks that people like Sorn have given the profession a bad name, and he would like to see more chivalrous behavior out of all criminals.

HISTORY: Osfrid was born into a wealthy land-owning family, with a large estate out in eastern Rohan. He had two brothers and a sister, but they never got along. His family always looked down a tad bit on Osfrid for mingling with the lower classes, but Osfrid just considered his family foolish. He stole from his siblings often. In Osfrid's mind, they didn't deserve the money. He even stole small belongings, and soon his sister and brothers banned him from all of the family parties. He still tried to sneak in.

When the parents died, Osfrid received an exact fourth of their money, though his siblings always disagreed with their parents' decision. The house went to Osfrid's brothers, and he was kicked out. Osfrid wandered to the eorl of the East-Emnet, and took refuge at the mead hall there, but he left after the eorl had discovered that somebody was stealing his coin every night. He wandered here and there, finally settling in a tiny village. He began a small mercantile business between the villages in the area and for a time was prosperous. But he was chased out of the village after a few years by competing tradesmen, saying he was using unethical practices. True, he was, and he gathered his possessions and hit the road.

He moved from town to town, staying in each only a few days. He had a "lady friend" in each town, too, to have an extra seat for him at the dinner-table should he stop by. He mostly made his money by swindling it out of those he met on his journeys. He would never stoop to begging. And when he failed to swindle coin out of some wise man, he just dipped a tiny bit into his savings, which he had deposited across the towns of the Eastfolde in safe and secret locations. Sometimes he took an odd job here or there.

He met Sorn during these travels, and the two became partners-in-crime, each calling upon the other whenever one had a grand scheme in mind, such as the kidnapping of Linduial.

And, with Jenny's permission, I have included Osfrid's latest lady friend, who'll be a carry-along character.

NAME: Muriel

AGE: 25-ish

RACE: Human, of Rohirric and Gondorian ancestry

GENDER: Female


APPEARANCE: Muriel is tall and skinny, with pale skin and long black hair, though she usually ties it into a tight little bun. She usually wears a black dress, and lots of cheap jewelry Osfrid's given to her. She usually wears a pouty, helpless expression on her face.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Muriel loves to be spoiled. She loves every gift her beloved Osfrid gives her, everything from individual flowers to "diamond" necklaces. She is quiet, and clingy to Osfrid, and hates it when he ignores her.

She is ingenuous, too. She likes to think she's a princess, but she knows nothing about the stately manners and businesses of true princesses. She dislikes not being taken seriously.

HISTORY: Muriel's family lived on a tiny farm in Anórien, outside of Rohan's borders. She was sent into Rohan one day to deliver a message to her cousin. She was accompanied by her brother. He would've been sent alone, but he was lame and couldn't ride well. That is why Muriel was sent along. Once they reached the village, Muriel met Osfrid, the man of her dreams, at the inn she stayed at. He swept her away, with only a short good-bye to her brother, and Muriel was off on the adventure she had always dreamed of.

Last edited by piosenniel; 05-08-2006 at 02:02 AM.
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