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Old 08-28-2002, 02:36 PM   #22
Merry Brandybuck
Animated Skeleton
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Buckland, The Shire
Posts: 31
Merry Brandybuck has just left Hobbiton.

Well, if you guys ever find the ultimate to stamp out evil, count me in for the quest.

I think we are all responsible for ourselves. I've made mistakes, but I've never done anything I consider evil, as such. But other people might percieve my actions that way. As NyteSkye says, it's all a point of view.

Tolkiens world was, in one way perfect, because the source of all evil could be eliminated.
So what's the source of all evil in our world? *looks suspiciously at her ring*
It would be nice to think there is one, that could be destroyed by a group of brave adventurers.

Evil and Good, often thought of as Light and Shadow? Why? Because one can't exist without the other. Light casts shadow and if there was no light what difference would the darkness make?
Maybe thats the key. A yin-yang, like Neferchoirwen says. Eternally interlocked, co-existing as one.

Anyways, I'll stop rambling. Awesomely interesting thread, Merri. Very deep, makes me think. If the whole word could read this topic you've started, it would make a difference.
Legolas: Crebain from Dunland!
The rest of the Fellowship: Whatty from whatland?
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