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Old 03-19-2006, 08:55 PM   #36
Hauntress of the Havens
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Lhunardawen has been trapped in the Barrow!

Hmm. Okay, so I see that the primary reason I'm up for the lynch toDay is that from carry-over Day 1 events spawn attacked me after agreeing with me over something that previous Day, and her suspicion was supported by other villagers. In the end she decided to vote for me. Then last Night the wolves killed her, she is found out to be a Seeriff, and that will obviously implicate me.

Hmm...let's see. You say the Seeriffs decided to dream about me, found me to be a wolf, and using dancing spawn as the sacrificial Seeriff alerted the village to my lycanthropy. I guess this would explain her sudeen 180-degree turn on me.

Yes, we all know that dancing spawn is a very good and experienced player, and as a Seer - well, she is definitely a great asset to our village. Now, knowing that there are four wolves against just two Seeriffs, and NO Ranger in this village...why would they take the risk of sacrificing a particularly helpful villager just to help the village catch a single wolf, leaving only one Seeriff to fend off for him/herself against three wolves? That's tantamount to her actually revealing herself outright. We would expect them to be more careful.

With that said, it is very probable that the Seeriffs had no wolf dreams as yet, and she just pursued her suspicions of me after someone presented the idea. Apparently the wolves took advantage of this to frame an innocent, which they have now successfully done. For which I must commend them. We obviously have very smart wolves against us. And then, much to their surprise, she actually was a Seeriff! Added bonus to them.

As for tgwbs' plan...that's very silly. It's making me think that you are the sole male wolf, and the rest are females, so it would be okay for you to sacrifice yourself because you know that there will still be two female wolves left in the end - the other one being killed along with her lover.

More later. I have a lot to answer to, obviously.
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