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Old 02-04-2006, 02:17 PM   #7
Energetic Essence
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There is more than one type of symbolisim, obiously. But I find that, after reading TROTK and The Sil once again, I notice the biblical representation more than the nature vs. industrialisation theme, which is still very aparent.

Now, to answer your question, Glirdan, it would be difficult to see Gandalf as God. Perhaps he could be seen as a god-like figure, or a Christ-figure,
Yes Laitoste, Gandalf is more of a Christ representation than a God-figure. However, there is still a possible God-figure. That being (no, not Eru because that debate is already being discussed at this point) Manwë, who can also be seen as a Christ-figure having been sent by Illuvatar to Arda. I can also see Frodo and Aragorn being Christ-figures as well. I know everything I said has been a bunch mumbling, however, there is something workin in the middle of this insanity. What I'm getting at is that there is, for me at least, a stronger biblical representation than the industrialisation representations. True, our beloved Professor goes into great detail about how Sauron and Saruman use machines a devilry at an attempt to concour their ennemies and that Gandalf and Tom use nature to aid them. I just find that the biblical part is stronger.
I'm going to buy you a kitty, I'm going to let you fall in love with the kitty, and one cold, winter night, I'm going to steal into your house and punch you in the face!
Fenris Wolf
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