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Old 11-11-2005, 05:18 PM   #37
Tigerlily Gamgee
Hostess of Spirits
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Meduseld
Posts: 1,055
Tigerlily Gamgee has just left Hobbiton.
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Name: Tigerlily or "Tig" known elsewhere as "psyknife" or Mel

Quest: To get out of debt and have money to travel... also, to get paid for doing what I love!

Favourite colour: Purple

Most beloved Tolkien character: Eowyn, but I do enjoy Samwise as well

Least beloved Tolkien character: Gollum

Worst habit: Spending money, feeling sorry for myself (though I'm not so bad at that anymore) and procrastinating

Best habit: well, lately, its been exercising regularly, eating good foods, and I'm almost always ontime and I rarely let people down

Unlikeliest celebrity crush: Uh, hmmm... Stephen Lynch, I guess. I also once mentioned to someone that I found the character of Austin Power strangly attractive (gross, right!?)

Weirdest hobby: collecting My Little Ponies (there! I said it!)

Best place in Middle Earth: I love Rohan, but Hobbiton would be much more peaceful and full of wonderful smells

Best place outside of Middle Earth: my bed, and I love Ren Faires and movie theatres too

Most embarrassing moment: Probably in 2nd grade where my skirt got ripped off while going down a slide... it was on St. Patrick's day and I was in a lovely green dress with (I think) white tights (which everyone in the school yard saw)

Most daring moment: I don't know... making a huge move w/no money and no job? Isn't getting out of bed every day daring enough?

Favourite "LotR" actor: Miranda Otto (for LOTR, and for other movies I've seen her in)

Least favourite "LotR" actor: Orlando Bloom (sorry, but he's too pretty and not that great of an actor)

Theme song: "Robert Holiday" by Cornmo (I really have no clue on this one)

Style guru: myself (though many have claimed that it's Stevie Nicks)

Most crucial accessory: clothing (otherwise I'd be naked)

Greatest weakness: cute things, chai tea, sleep

Greatest strength: helping people out, and things of that nature

Favourite place to visit on the Downs: no place in particular

Best Downer Buddy: EVERYONE!

Parting shot: Today is a lucky day for those who remain cheerful and optimistic

Last edited by Tigerlily Gamgee; 11-17-2005 at 05:12 PM.
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