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Old 11-11-2005, 03:22 AM   #35
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Tottering about in the Wild
Posts: 130
Alphaelin has just left Hobbiton.
Name: Alphaelin, Ann

Quest: To find out what I'm doing here. Or to find Middle Earth, whichever comes first.

Favourite colour: Lavender

Most beloved Tolkien character: Faramir

Least beloved Tolkien character: Eol. What a sourpuss.

Worst habit: Procrastination, swearing in traffic

Best habit: One date a week with my husband & each daughter

Unlikeliest celebrity crush: Faramir (the character, not David Wenham), 'Luscious' Malfoy (the actor, not the character)

Weirdest hobby: Ballet lessons. When you're older than the instructors, people look at you funny.

Best place in Middle Earth: Rivendell

Best place outside of Middle Earth: southeast coast of Lake Michigan, Rocky Mtn. National Park

Most embarrassing moment: Too many to count, most involving Weirdest Hobby.

Most daring moment: When I hit the "Submit" button for this post.

Favourite "LotR" actor: Sean Bean

Least favourite "LotR" actor: Craig Parker

Theme song: Unprintable on a 'G-rated' website

Style guru: Goodwill

Most crucial accessory: Corrective lenses

Greatest weakness: Extreme shyness

Greatest strength: A surprising ability to meet deadlines

Favourite place to visit on the Downs: It varies; right now CbC, Middle Earth Mirth and the Barrow Downs

Best Downer Buddy: I love you all!

Parting shot: A splash of whiskey in my Coke will do nicely, thanks!
Not all those who wander are lost . . . because some of us know how to read a map.
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