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Old 10-19-2005, 01:56 PM   #61
Illusionary Holbytla
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Firefoot has been trapped in the Barrow!
deliberately taking the life of someone before their time.
Before his time! Gollum was more than 500 years old; the Ring prolonged his life. Gollum, mortal that he is, should have died long ago. But I suppose I see what you mean, a natural death, as it were. The statement just struck me as odd.
So, which moral code is objectively Right? Of course, in our world, this diference does not exist - Jesus tells his disciples to be like their Father in Heaven - ie to obey the same moral & behavioural standards God follows. In Middle-earth it must be different. Eru can do as He likes & whatever He does, even if it is against the laws & rules he lays down for His children, is 'Good' by definition, simply because He does it?
If you're going to compare it to our world, you have to do it all the way; you do not mention anything about the right to judge. The Bible also tells us not to judge - that right is reserved for God alone. There were wicked people in both Old and New Testaments that God did strike down. If Eru did kill Gollum, how would that be any different?

Gollum didn't have to do the things he did. He didn't have to kill Deagol, he didn't have to use the Ring for evil purposes, but he did, and those choices all eventually led him to his death at Mt. Doom. He wasn't a puppet that Eru ordained had to do all these things so that he could be killed at Mt. Doom.
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