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Old 10-09-2005, 01:26 PM   #9
Byronic Brand
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Excellent thread Saucie...

Mod-Well, as I'm allotting the roles, it's me by definition, surely! Also, the sadism of writing very fulfilling...commended, tgwbs for Tolkienish wit, Mithalwen for her assertion of the Divine Right of Mods, and Holbytlass for her excellent recent scene with the battle of the hunters...


3 Wolves
Cursed Villager
2 Shirriffs
10 ordinary villagers

Wolves: Celuien, who I've never seen in wolf-form but who I think would take to it admirably-hence my luckless crusade against her in Werewolf X!

littlemanpoet, my bane when I was in the Seer in Werewolf IV. A tremendous performance that only Fea saw through. And so I was among the victorious dead...

Kuruharan, my fellow Werewolf in Werewolf I. Callously left me to my death with perfect savoir-faire. Ultimately exploited my alliance with Fea to snatch victory alone...

Seer: dancing spawn of ungoliant. Again, I've never seen her in this position, as far as I recall, but her natural reasoning skills and scary name would provide tremendous cover.

Ranger: Blasted difficult role; I give it to Lalaith, who can handle a number of masks, including analyst, innocent, and dupe, and has sharp instincts. Besides, its tortuous hardship is fitting revenge for her recent treachery!

Hunter: Aure entuluva! Fea's element, what with her talent for accruing suspicion and concealing motives...and being generally confusing.

Cursed Villager: the phantom. It would be interesting to watch his tack subtly change, especially as the omniscient mod, if he were to be converted. That way there is a chance the village will be doomed. And he won't even know it himself! Ha ha! I would know something the phantom didn't...

Shirriffs: Eomer and Saucie-only way to stop them killing each other...

10 Villagers:

Firefoot's voting analysis would make a mod's life much easier.
mormegil would be a tempting framing target for wolves.
Cailin would be an asset, with assiduous thinking...
Nilpaurion Felagund-to make sure no one had a moment's peace of mind
Boromir88-so he could be lynched on suspicion of wolvishness. Sweet vengeance...
Folwren-an expert in self-defence
Alcarillo-rather the reverse
Saurreg-a mover and shaker
Encai-a stay at home grumpy old woman, from Werewolf II
Shelob-when untainted by lycanthropy, usually gets done in anyway. Excellent while she lasts though...
Among the friendly dead, being bad at games did not seem to matter
-Il Lupo Fenriso
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