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Old 08-07-2005, 08:52 AM   #286
Everlasting Whiteness
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Kath is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Kath is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Kath is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.
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Yesterday I met a fellow BDer by the name of Kristen (Shelob). She's only been on here a few months but I got talking to her about an archaeological dig she was going on in Spain for that is an interest of mine and it was near where I am going on holiday so I thought we could maybe meet up. Then it turned out that she was also coming to England and after a few PMs everything fell nicely into place. We had the slight problem of how to recognise each other, the idea of using large signs was vetoed due to the worry that our parents/friends would desert us on sight.

At any rate we met at Victoria Station in London just after midday and found each other (though thank God for mobiles or we never would have!). Her parents looked me over and decided I was not about to kidnap their daughter and so they left us be. Kristen is from Boston and had brought me a Red Sox (sp?) hat and also a pack of LotR card from Spain! I felt so bad that I'd got nothing for her and I now owe her £2 as well seeing as how she lent in to a friend of mine. If you read this and want it back I'll send it to you I swear!

We left the station and went to get some lunch, just some sandwiches, and then we went on the tube to Green Park to go eat. It was pretty warm and there was some sun so we stayed there for about an hour just talking about anything and everything really. She is from America so I must admit to bombarding her with questions but she was very good and put up with them all.

I'd had to come with a couple of friends because my parents wouldn't let me go to London on my own with all the bomb things and as they wanted to go shopping we all headed off to Oxford Street (well we tried, we ended up in Bond Street). Once there Kristen showed me her photos from Spain. The dig site looked incredibly hot! She'd also been to the Alhambra which I had been to the year before so I actually recognised some of the photos which was nice.

We had completely lost track of time and Kristen had to be back with her parents at 3:30 though that didn't quite happen. We took a quick photo before she had to go so that might end up on the photo page in a while.

I really liked meeting her as she was very friendly and didn't seem to mind the problem I have with indecision I hope that she also had a good time and that she had a good remainder of her holiday.
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
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