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Old 07-10-2005, 06:37 PM   #2083
Primrose Bolger
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Near Bywater Pool
Posts: 196
Primrose Bolger has just left Hobbiton.
Ginger awaits Alcarillo's order . . .

Ginger excused herself from the table where Larien and Master Hearpwine sat. Another had come to join their company and she could see from Buttercup’s tired face that help was needed with the last of the serving and cleaning up.

She rushed into the kitchen and put on her apron, just in time to see Cook sending four children out the back door with what looked like a picnic basket. Ginger picked up a small tray from the counter, intending to help bring in the dirtied mugs and plates from the common room.

Buttercup nodded gratefully at her as she went through the door. Ginger paused for a moment deciding where she might begin. She picked up a clean wet rag from the bar counter, intending to clean the tables as she went. She was just starting off toward some empty places in the far corner of the room, when one of the Fair Folk glanced her way.

‘Ah! He’ll be wanting something,’ she said to herself and laid her tray and rag on an empty table. Though the room was warm, the tall fair Elf still wore his grey cloak. The hood was thrown back and his dark golden hair glinted in the lamplight. Beneath the cloak, as he shifted she could see the gleam of metal.

He had put the red book he was looking through down on the table. As she neared him she put on her best smile and nodded as she stopped before him. ‘I’m Ginger, sir,’ she said. ‘One of the servers here at The Dragon. Would you like something to drink? And if you’re hungry I think I can still bring you a basket of bread and a plate of good Shire cheese. And Cook’s good mustard to go with it.’

She waited as he gave thought to her offer.
. . . for they love peace and quiet and good tilled earth . . . are quick of hearing and sharpeyed, and though they are inclined to be fat and do not hurry unneccesarily, they are nonetheless nimble and deft in their movements . . . FOTR - Prologue
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