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Old 07-10-2005, 02:29 PM   #69
Regin Hardhammer
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Tumunzahar/Nogrod
Posts: 364
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Lady Inzillomì ’s question of how the four of them would enter the city unnoticed was one that Azarmanô had given thought to numerous times before in the course of the mission. He had come to the realization quite some time ago that disguises would be necessary before the group could enter the city. They had experienced several hostile meetings with the guards before, and they were sure to be recognized if they were seen.

The temple at Armenelos would be swarming with soldiers transporting prisoners and keeping watch over the cells. He did not wish to have another unfortunate encounter in close quarters with the royal guards. This time their actions must be covert. They would be the ones doing the surprising and not the other way around. Azarmanô found that he felt much more secure on missions when he was in control of the situation and the element of surprise was in his favor. Yes, they would need to acquire disguises before they penetrated deep into the city. Certainly the Faithful could not traverse the ground so close to Sauron himself and hope to escape recognition.

There was also the question of which path they would take to enter the city with the least amount of visibility. Even with disguises, an enemy still might still be able to recognize some of their number. As a former adviser to the king, Thoronmir had spent much time in Armenelos and was bound to be remembered by some there and probably not fondly either since his flight. If the party entered through the main gate, the soldiers would certainly see their faces, no matter how they were dressed, and seize them. They must find a way into the city that was seldom used by any man. Even if the alternate path took longer and was more rugged it would be worth the trouble if they were able to reach the dungeon of Sauron without being spied on by unfriendly eyes.

But where would they find such a route and where could they acquire such disguises in their present, isolated situation? Ordinarily, when Azarmanô needed a disguise on one of his missions, he was able to acquire one from the house of another Faithful nearby. But here he did not know any safe havens where such an operation would be possible. He regretted to admit to himself that they were quite on their own, separated from any form of benevolent assistance. Neither did Azarmanô know of any alternate route to the city. The only entrance or exit, it seemed from his vantage point, was the main gate where carts drawn by horses and mules traveled in both directions while being monitored by a contingent of several guards. They would have to employ another way of passage if they did not want to be greeted once again by the king’s men, with whom Azarmanô felt already too well acquainted.

The easiest way, it seemed to him, to slip past the guards undetected would be to dress as guards themselves. These disguises would grant the rescuers access to the dungeon, even to the cell of Abârpânarú. They would be able to enter into the very center of Sauron’s layer without arousing suspicion so long as their facade held. The only question was where they could obtain such garb. Suddenly, Azarmanô was struck with an idea.

“Yes lady Inzillomì , we must wear disguises if we are to enter the city. How could we approach the dungeon dressed as we are? It simply would not do. It would be best for us to obtain disguises that can aid our cause. What better way have we to enter the dungeon than to wear the raiment of the king’s men? We must ambush a group of them, not a large one of course, and take their garments. A grey tunic, a shirt of plate mail, and a metal helmet are the three main components of their clothing which we must acquire. As for how we are to get in, we surely can not use the main gate. There are men guarding it and our faces must not be seen by them, for they have spied on us and might recall our identity still. We must use a different path, a more secret one that has not been used in some time. I suggest that we approach the city from Noirian, the Valley of Tombs, final resting place of Numenorian royalty. Many a noble king lies resting in those hallowed halls, perhaps they shall bless us with their merit. The tombs are dank and cavernous, but they provide us with a way into the city that has not been used in many years. I know that this may sound precarious to you, and I do not deny the danger involved. But we must take on this peril with brave hearts and wills of stone, for the path we must take to rescue our leader is mired in fear and darkness. For those who wish to follow, it may be the only feasible way of completing our rescue.”

He spoke with an air of defiance against the evils that stood before them. He had a feeling that he would need his acting skills now more than ever. He gazed ambitiously at the ancient valley as the sun sank into the horizon bathing the sky above in deep purple and bright magenta. It was quite a journey from where they were know, but Azarmanô could see the vague outline of the cave’s mouth and the boulders surrounding the entrance. “Well,” he finally said after scanning the Noirian with intent for several minutes, “We certainly can’t execute the plan without the consent of everyone in the group. Please, tell me, does this propose ring dulcet in your ears?

Last edited by Regin Hardhammer; 07-11-2005 at 10:11 PM.
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