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Old 07-02-2005, 09:58 PM   #7
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Not once, in any story of Middle-earth, have I witnessed those of Noldorin descent submitting so freely and so completely to the will of Illuvatar.

I cannot recall trust in Eru being the main constituent of any of the tales of the Elder Days. When Eru's power comes, it comes without a whisper. Yet here is Galadriel, openly recognising that the Quest is so perilously close to darkness - and allowing it! ... And they still let poor Frodo take the Ring.

The idea makes sense to me... Her retribution... But in way I just can't see it at all! It seems so silly that in ten thousand years for the first time everyone suddenly says, "Oh well, let's let Illuvatar decide and see if our last chance can succeed."

My question isn't theological. IMO Middle-earth is governed actively by the will of Eru, and I havent placed this under question. But why were so many of Tolkien's characters so passive? Why didnt they ever try to interfere (with what could very well in hindsight be Eru's plan) and come up with some alteration or other plan that would... more befit their characters?

Fright? Were they all just too scared to hold the Ring, or to let it remain in any place too long? Or did they really believe in the Quest?
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