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Old 06-24-2005, 07:34 AM   #139
Cryptic Aura
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Bęthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Bęthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Bęthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Bęthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.

Here's an RP forum Mod stepping in with some comments about this hyah projikct ahbut Mordah.

Your questions are all answered (or just about) in the threads with the rules for gaming on the Barrow Downs. "Ecthelion's Tower" in Gondor explains how littlemanpoet can game in Gondor even though he cannot start games there--he was invited by a Gondorian to join her game, with the expectation that she was responsible for keeping his posts up to snuff.

The "Golden Hall" thread in Gondor and "The Redbook of Westmarch" in The Shire explain the other rules governing who can game where and who can start games where.

My understanding is that RPGs are allowed only in the forums devoted to them. They cannot be started elsewhere on the Barrow Downs. I suppose you could always petition Barrow Wight and Mithadan about this, though, at least to clarify. They's da bosses in this hyah place.

I would say I smell a game, but I wouldn't want anyone to take that as a criticism that this is a rank idea.
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