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Old 03-31-2005, 07:57 AM   #751
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Location: Roaming the plains of Middle Earth
Posts: 103
Lolidir has just left Hobbiton.
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Things, Things, and more Things.

Around the house i have the most "junk" to everyone else, but my prize possession. Every time i go to the store I always take a stroll back through the toy section to take a look at the LotR action figures.
  1. I have the books about 4 times over including the Hobbit. 2 versions belong to my father and they are the old covers (My sister bought him some mintcondition (first edition if I'm not mistaken) which I hope to come by in my time to come.
  2. I have the complete set of the movies in Extended and not.
  3. I have all 3 soundtracks.
  4. I have Trivial Pursuit, Risk, and Monopoly (which is awesome)
  5. I have about 7 to 8 action figures, the box set including the Mouth of Sauron.
  6. For my birthday last year my sister played a joke and got me all the LotR party supplies possible, which i took to my room and added to my collection.
  7. I have a magazine that i got for buying the movie at BestBuy.
  8. I have all but the Hobbit goames for XBox, and all of them for GameBoy Advanced.
  9. I have a book mark with Legolas on it.
  10. I have a box from Anduril, becasue my friend who bought it was going to throw it away, so i brought it home.
  11. I have a few of the other books by Tolkien. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Book of Lost Tales 1, Farmer Giles of Ham, The Tolkien Reader, Unfinished Tales.
I hope to get the rest of the books eventually, but as of the moment I have no money and will be needing it in the near future. If I had money I would buy the Fighting Knives of Legolas first though. There are just so many things out there and not enough money. Does this annoy anyone else? If only I were rich. I would have no lack of LotR stuff.
"Its a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to"
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