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Old 04-29-2002, 02:56 AM   #12
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Mordor/Lothlorien
Posts: 71
Baran has just left Hobbiton.

Do any of you feel that the people of the South Harad mistreated many or all of the animals native to their land?
How about the horses of Rohorim, they were treated nice in peacetime, but they did not have their freedom, they were like prisoners treated really good, and in the end they had to go out and die often painfull deads for their masters. Do you indicate that the Harads abused and mistreated their native animals for the fun of it? I don't think so.

And remember it was a war beetwen people! Who can imagine how many innocent humans got killed or lost someone close to them. It was war! War is Hell! You can't go whining about some mistreated Elephants, after all the Harads were probably mistreated themselve by Sauron.

...the Mumak of Harad was indeed a beast of vast bulk, and the like of him does not walk now in Middle-earth....

Here is all the proof we need to ascertain that the greatest and most timeproof accomplishment of the Harad dynasty was the complete annihilation of Oliphaunts, to total and utter extinction. Who can even imagine what they did to other wretched species that are not mentioned?
Our ancestors living in the ice age extincted all the Mammuts. It was not because our ancestors were cruel, blood thirsty predators who got their kicks from killing Mammuts. They needed the fur and the meat of the Mammut. They did not know that if they killed to many mammuts, they would exctinct them.

And what do you know about the Harad dynasty and their culture? It's as if I go: The greatest and most timeproof accomplishment of the European coming to North America was the killing of thousands of Indians.

One thing I just can't stand is Hypocrites.
Like when people spend millions of dollars to free the whale from the "Free Willie" movies, they could have given the money to someone who relly needed them, like the homeless.
Greanpeace have some good ideas, but the protection of animals because they are cute and have big eyes are not one of them.
I am totally for protection of animals in danger of becoming extinct, but people who complain about cute animals getting killed, like seals (not an animal in the danger sone), just make me sick. OK I can axcept it if you are a vegetarian, but if not, then you are nothing but a Hypocrite.
A bit out of context some will say, but I think there is a lot of Hipocrity in Onewhitethrees text.

I think my point is something like: Yes we kill animals, we actually eat their muscless, and even though we don't like to think so we treat them bad in the process.

The Oliphaunts probably had a hard time, I mean, they went out in the war with their masters and died with them, but to call it cruelty is just way out of any context. Life is cruel.

I know I have strong opinions, but after all this is a discussiun forum...
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