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Old 03-17-2005, 07:42 AM   #1129
Gangamel The Wicked
Posts: n/a
The Eye Hello!


I am Gangamel The Wicked from The Rhun Hills. There are not many orcs left in the World, so I thought it time I branched out and talk to other people.

I used to be breeder of Wargs, and I am most interested in the Warg and Warg Rider Appreciation thread.

I also look forward to looking at other threads and learning things from this site as I am very interested in learning more about my past and that of my kin. I would also like to learn more about all the other peoples of Middle Earth as I have never really tried to before. I was always content in my own ways, that is, until now. Now that everyone I loathed has gone, most likely to their death.

I am no longer as wicked as I was. I tend now only to dabble in petty theft. A melancholy strange to Orcs has come over me since I have been alone here, in the Hills.

Hopefully you will see past me being an Orc and embrace me as a citizen of Middle Earth.

Kind Regards

Gangamel The Wicked
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