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Old 01-12-2005, 01:26 PM   #1248
Amanaduial the archer
Shadow of Starlight
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Join Date: Mar 2002
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Amanaduial the archer has just left Hobbiton.
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Passing by the door of the Inn, the Innkeeper paused on the step and took a quick look around the garden and had just spied Mayor Samwise when another sight caught her gaze from inside the busy Inn Common Room. Her eyes widened in horror and she glanced around quickly to make sure Cook hadn't set her sights upon the abominous deeds occuring in the corner.

The finely carved table, procurred from those swalliwag travellers for not paying...
...was shortly about to be rendered worthless by two walking balls of hair.

Aman gave a quiet, frustrated groan and made her way across the room, and sharpish too, not to put too fine a point on it. Arriving at table, she glared distastefully down at the two cats, who replied with disdainful yellow gazes. She noted that one was indeed the male cat, the one that the Innkeeper had previously come to a wary sort of standoff with due to the fact that Cook had become determined that the cat was going to stay, despite Aman's best efforts. It wasn't even a flaming mouser, for crying out loud. All it did was laze about and stroll around with that arrogant gaze...yes, that one, the one it was fixing on Aman now as it raised itself onto it's hind legs, it's front paws delicately resting on the table as it gave an innocent miaow.

"Don't you dare," Aman grinded quietly between her teeth. Tevildo seemed to smile, then started to rake his claws down the table leg. That was it: Aman hissed at the cat and flapped a hand near to him as if she was going to smack him. "Scat!" she hissed softly. Tevildo, wisely, scat.

She turned to the female cat, expecting it to follow - and hereby encountered a problem. This wasn't just the usual stray: this was the mayor's cat. Aman glared at it evilly, wondering if by pure willpower she could make it move. "Scat!" she hissed...without the same results as with Tevildo. The cat looked at her patronisingly, then sat down, watching the Innkeeper as if fascinated. Aman glared venemously at the cat again, and tried again, with even less success this time: there wasn't even a reaction. Looking around guiltily, the Rohirrim woman prodded at the cat uncertainly with one foot. "Go on, it's my table, not yours, move, you stupid ball of-" The cat swiped at her leg with a set of razor sharp claws. Aman's foot recoiled sharply, and her fists clenched as she fought the urge to clutch at her shin. She narrowed her eyes and, without a second's hesitation, bent down and scooped up the cat.

"Good morning, Miss Aman, I was hoping to find you! Ah, I see you've met our Mushroom..."

Aman spun around guiltily, caught red-handed - literally: the cat's claws were digging into the back of her left hand. She smiled widely - she was genuinely pleased, but wished the timing was slightly better... "Mayor Samwise, welcome to the Green Dragon!"

And your cat is slowly trying to seperate my fingers from my palm...

"Yes, I have...met your cat," she continued, trying not to wince. "Right little minx!" She grinned at the mayor ruefully and rubbed the cat hard on the head, maybe with a little added revenge. Thankfully, Sam didn't seem to notice, and smiled with her. Aman put the cat down on the floor and, resisting the unpolitically sound urge to kick it in return for the scratches on her leg and the piercings on her hand, she covered the marks with her other hand and turned back to Sam - but not before she noticed the baleful look that the cat sent her before it scat, it's tail haughty and high, no doubt to find that no-good moggy Tevildo. Aman turned back to Sam and suggested they go out into the sun. "Have you seen Derufin and Zimzaran yet today, Mr Gamgee?"

"I haven't yet, no - haven't spied head nor tail of the lucky chap yet today!" Samwise smiled as they walked outside into the sunshine together. Aman tried to hold back her wicked grin. "The groom is...probably just getting himself prepared," she answered evenly.

Sam laughed, his eyes sparkling with the good humour and earnestness that he was so well known for. "Indeed, Aman, indeed."

Aman smiled with him, then changed the subject, chatting idly, her right hand held all the while over the oozing, painful scratches on the back of her left. "How is your family, Samwise? I haven't seen them for quite some time - is it five now? Or six?"

Sam's eyes twinkled and he smiled at her with a hint of mischief. "A few more than that, Aman..." he replied, taking her arm and leading her towards where Rose, and motioning his hand towards where Ginger sat with a regular tribe of little Gardners...
I am what I was, a harmless little devil

Last edited by piosenniel; 01-13-2005 at 12:06 PM.
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